everyone here has issues

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    when im so bored at work that i can literally go crazy i turn to the yeshiva world coffee room and find some really interesting and hilarious coffee room topics sometimes (emphasis on sometimes). i really liked the brooklyn yerushalyim one, and the one abt 2 girls getting married in camp was also interesting and made me think. but then b4 u know it everyone here has some nasty sarcastic comment to make and always without fail disagrees bec its either too chareidi, yeshivish, brookyln, in the box, narrow minded, sinas chinam, who knows. don’t people value others’ opinions these days? what is the point of being in a ‘coffee room discussion’ if you don’t ‘discuss’, you only put down. personaly, i thought my post about facebook was very smart and thought out and many people agree with me, but still dont want to delete it. which i hear. but over here, e/o just bashed me and completely didn’t even hear what i was saying. to even think that someone would suggest that there’s NOTHING wrong w any aspect of facebook is mind boggling. if u don’t agree and don’t wanna lsiten to wat the other has to say, y comment? and you are all the reason the brooklyn yerushalyim post got closed and i was actually getting some enterntainment from it on a very very boring day. so thank you everyone.


    i see… so in other words you have come back to denounce those who:

    1. dont agree with you

    2 have a different sense of humor

    3 different sensitivities to sarcasm

    4 people who make what you consider nasty comments

    5 those that criticize others in the coffee room

    so you are criticizing yourself, how admirable, and a rare quality today


    y thank you moderator. finaly someone with something nice to say


    This thread is humorous. It just made my day.


    youre welcome


    Everyone here has issues. Don’t know about everyone else, I certainly do. BIG ONES!

    (btw how does one ask mechila from ‘everyone here’?)


    yes bec i am perfect in every way and therefore this thread will be perfect with no biting sarcasm and bashing!! woohooo!!! party in the coffee room!!! e/o give me all ur food and money!!!


    lovesbeingjewish ur post was very humorous and made me smile. I also turn to ywn when I am bored at work (at least once a day). You made a good point though there is a lot of unneccessary bashing on this site. It is possible to disagree with someone without putting them down, insulting, and name calling.


    yo moderator can u hook me up with a job

    happy face

    yeh, I agree!!! everyone is busy disecting every word u write, and then criticize!! But i do enjoy the sarcasm!! don’t u dare brag, don’t u dare mention frum, M.O, etc. or you’ll be on fire!!!


    lovesbeingjewish- do you knwo anything else about the world besides how bad facebook is? Not that I think its a good thing but you really cannot stop bringing it up~


    post people, can’t u tell i’m bored???? where is the chesed, the unity, the ahavas chinam??????


    Mod 80 can you please put under my name ‘perfect in every way?’ thanks!


    yup. mod 80 is a pain in the neck…try to ignore him…


    mary poppins?? really??? was mary poppins bored at work all the time? i think not!


    Adorable I bring it up when it is necessary. In this case it was to prove my point. I have made other threads without mentioning it. That being said, I would like to thank Tomche, ZeesKite, Ootiny, HappyFace and of course Mod 80 for all your support. I wouldn’t be here without you

    Bar Shattya

    If you want people to post, try calling them a dolt. It works wonders.


    Everyone here has issues”

    Some of us have SUBSCRIPTIONS!


    Though I didn’t read your post, I’m with you on the Facebook issue, ESPECIALLY for teenagers. Enough said.

    Facts are facts, even if you’re unaware of them or choose to ignore them.

    Anyone who disagrees with this, no offense, either has their head in the sand, or far worse, must be stuck on another planet, not just any planet, but Pluto, a dwarf planet at best.



    i didnt read ur post abt facebookk and i would like to know ur opinion on it would u mind sharing it with me plz???


    What was the Facebook post?? Could you copy and paste it over here??


    I’m proud of my issues.




    Kapusta, if your proud of them prove it! Display them right here for all to see.usually If one can recognize them its a gifted opportunity to grow!

    am yisrael chai

    “I’m proud of my issues.”

    I thought Kapusta was referring to her kids 🙂


    I’m not sure what you mean. I’m proud of what I consider a healthy craziness.

    Who wants to be normal anyway, its so boring.


    am yisrael chai

    “Healthy craziness” sounds like an oxymoron.

    Which craziness is healthy, IIMA?

    minyan gal

    kapusta, I totally agree. I mean, anyone can be normal. Those of us that are quick witted and can respond to a comment with a funny remark instantly are much more fun to be with. Of course, you generally have to be with people who are equally goofy or they absolutely don’t appreciate (or often understand) quirkiness.

    I adore being “different”, as my friends call me. I don’t consider any of my personality traits as “issues” and if others do, it is their problem.


    I thought Kapusta was referring to her kids

    Lol. FTR, I’m single

    “Healthy craziness” sounds like an oxymoron.

    Which craziness is healthy, IIMA?

    It is. I think its good for a person to be a little different. Nothing major, but a little out of the box, a little crazy… (obviously not referring to Yiddishkeit/Halacha) Wouldn’t you choose an original over a copy?

    IIMA- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

    I’m gonna need some help here.



    Bar Shattya I don’t know what a dolt is, so I feel weird calling people that. And wow two people have asked for my opinion on facebook? It’s my lucky day! I’ll copy and paste it my original post, but if you have time you should check out the rest of it!

    We have all been trying to take things on l’iluy nishmas Leiby and I had this great idea that will really take off- deleteing your facebook! Facebook is the yetzer hora’s facade to stealing hours and days of your life to stalk other people, give people ayin horas, make people jealous of each other, and toher not tznius things. People justify it by saying they keep in touch with people, but people- is keeping in touch with those few people who you’re never going to actually get together with really worth tons fo time that could be dedicated to doing mitzos, helping others, davening, learning, and so many other prodcutive activities!! NO MY FRIENDS IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!! I have seenw ith my own eyes tons and tons of people who waste their vies away on this horrible website. This is not fomr only a frum perspective- it’s from a rational intellectual perspective!! And I am also talking from experience- I have had a facebook and just found that it was extremely destructive. SO please everyone if you were trying to delete until now, or were thinking about it, or weren’t thinking about it, do it NOW for Leiby! It’s an easy thing to do and I did it, others have done it, and YOU can do it!!!!



    I would gladly delete my Facebook. Google plus provides a better service anyway 😛


    rlly bomgbastic?? let me know if you really do and i will be so happy!!!


    if you are using google’s feature which is the same type of thing whats the point? what is googles feature anyhow and how is it different?


    I, for one, have no issues.

    Oh, yes, you do.

    I do not!

    Yes, you do.

    Now cut that out. I don’t have any issues.

    Wanna make a bet?

    STOP IT!!!

    No! You have issues!


    LOL sounds like the blinker joke

    am yisrael chai

    “IIMA- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

    I’m gonna need some help here.



    If I May Ask


    wats wrong with facebook?

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