What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year?

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    Rosh Hashonah is coming & it’s a time for reflection on our current behavior.
    What can you suggest to YWN as an area to improve in it’s reporting in this coming year?

    My suggestion: Use more caution when showing photos of females not attired in tznius clothing. Also, stop printing letters/op-eds criticizing the opinions of recognized Gedolei Yisroel. (Such as criticizing today’s demonstration in Lakewood against the drafting of Yeshiva Bachurim.)

    Y.W. Editor

    YWN never comments here, but for the sake of accuracy, YWN has NEVER – NOT ONCE – criticized any demonstration in Lakewood against the drafting of Yeshiva Bachurim. That is a bold-faced sheker and pure Motzei Shem Ra – on Erev Rosh Hashanah nonetheless. (We suggest you either stop reading other news outlets where you saw this, or at least keep track of what you read where, before spewing such sheker)


    speaking of which just a few hours ago israeli media reported that the israeli supreme court will decide weather the IDF wiil have to send draft notices to ALL the תלמידי ישיבות in the country.

    court date is not decided yet but, the official court notice says this decision will be given high priority.


    I do apologize ao YWN. They haven’t criticized the event like another Frum news aggregator did.

    However, under the original news report of this Atzeres, a number of comments knocking the gedolei Yisroel pushing this event were posted on YWN. If YWN represents the Yeshiva World & Daas Torah, then comments that are clearly disrespectful of the Gedolei Yisroel should not be allowed to be posted.

    MORE DETAILS: Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Issue Kol Korei For The Atzeres Tefillah On Sunday

    Thousands Expected at Monumental Atzeres Tefillah in Lakewood to Support Acheinu Bnei Yisroel

    pure yiddishkeit

    Dear Y. W. Editor,
    I think what @Haimy meant was not to let through comments that criticize the atzeres.
    There has been various disgusting bizayon kavod hatorah comments made by individuals on the YWN platform, and they should not have been let through.
    This is, being that YWN stands for Yeshiva World News, and therefore, comments against the Yeshiva World and it’s Gedolim should not be tolerated, as after all, we do not believe in the leftist “freedom of speech”, yes there is a way to speak and comment, and on a platform that is specific to the frum yeshiva world the guidelines should be in line with it.


    Hey, since we got your attention, can we talk about the loss of moderation on the forums? When did that happen and why?


    “:What can you suggest to YWN as an area to improve in it’s reporting in this coming year?”

    Keep doing the great job in has done in 5784 and not worry too much about the musar it routinely gets from dissatisfied readership. There are complex balancing decisions the editorial staff and Mods have to make on a daily basis in screening news stories and CR posts and I sense the majority of its readers are very satisfied. Sure, there are frequent kvetches about the wording of a headline or selection of file photos to go along with an article but those are relatively minor annoyances compared with a one-sided online echo chamber that fails to reflect the diverse views of its readership. The orthodox community is not monolithic as evidenced by the exchanges here in the CR.


    Maybe we should ask – what could posters do to improve themselves?

    We are having here conversations between observant, and often learned, people who have very different haskofos. Many of us either do not have a chance to often meet other groups in person that often, and usually just say “gut shabbos” and do not get into discussions of haskofos. So, hopefully posters, and readers, use this chance to expand their horizons, maybe go read seforim by others, that are not necessarily “their” gedolim; look up classical sources that support different opinions.

    To push this point, ask this question – how many opinions here correspond to where the person was born or went to cheder? I see only a couple of exceptions where people changed their derech based on their life experiences. Now, following one’s mesorah is a great thing, but please reflect whether if you were born in Kletzk and another person born in Pinsk, is it likely that Hashem’s truth resides in Kletzk, while for the other guy – Truth resides in Pinsk. Maybe, Emes is in neither and is in Minsk or even Damascus.

    Just Visiting

    1) As mentioned, tzniyus pictures only. (What’s the heiter to show not tzniyus pictures on the site?)
    2) Just report the news – like what actually happened – not an opinion about what happened. Anyone else feel the same way about that? disagree?


    My suggestion would be to study “Journalism” as it was taught in journalism schools in the pre-WOKE era, involving reporting, fact checking, political neutrality, objectivity, etc. We really don’t need an online version of the Jewish Press, or a Jewish version of the New York Times as it is in the 21st century, but a new source similar to what mainstream newspapers were 50+ years ago would be nice.


    YWN can improve by approving comments faster.

    Also give people the ability to delete their comments.

    I wish the entire Yeshiva World News community,
    all employees and all readers, only good decrees
    on Rosh HaShanah, and a very easy fast on Yom Kippur.


    Stop posting pictures of women, quoting women, referring to women and actually acknowledging that they exist! Youre being machshil the rabim!


    I want to correct the YWN moderator.
    My original post wasn’t Motzi Shem Rah even though it was partially mistaken. YWN has full control over the content I or anyone else on this site posts. If you decide to publish something derogatory about yourselves, you are being motzi shem ra on yourselves. The same goes for any other posting on YWN, if YWN allows loshon Horah or any other forbidden content on this site, you YWN are the one’s 100% responsible for publishing it. It’s quite possible, the submitter of loshon horah wasn’t oiver any Issur because he’s not the one that spread the forbidden words.
    This is the tremendous achrayos YWN & its editors carry every day as they share all types of information to many thousands of Jews.
    I wish all my fellow Yidden a Ksiva Vachasima Tova!


    Stop posting pictures of women, quoting women, referring to women and actually acknowledging that they exist! Youre being machshil the rabim!

    U’mein. Even female pronouns in news stories (“she”, “her” etc.) should be changed to “they”.

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