Will Biden Throw Israel Under the Bus?

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    Just as he did as part of the Obama/Biden Administration, letting the United Nations Security Council condemn Israel. And signing back up for the disastrous Iran Deal, demanding Israeli concessions to the Palestinians, freezing settlements, restoring American funding of the terroristic Palestinian Authority and permitting them to reopen an American office, moving the embassy out of Jerusalem and no longer recognizing Israeli sovereignty of Jerusalem and the Golan.


    Finally admitting Joe Biden will be the next President of the USA

    ☕️coffee addict

    Lev sarim u’malachim biyad Hashem


    they would thrown under the bus in a nanosecond to appease AOC and the now 100 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.


    Of course. Just like he did during his 8 years as VP. (Pallets of money to Iran; you think that went for fruit and veggies for the kids?)


    Was Obama just elected President or Biden ?
    If my memory still works, 2008 – 2016 Obama was the President and not Biden.

    Trump was in office for the past 4 years and the world and the Middle East changed in these years.

    No prognostications can be based on what Obama did.

    Do Jewish Trump supporters want Biden to throw Israel under the bus or should they pray and work that he helps Israel? They should start doing hishtadlus and the first thing is to be mekarev Biden and not call him names or projecting what he will do.

    Avi K

    Biden will undo some of the good Trump did. However, he will most likely have to contend with a GOP-controlled Senate, not to mention a long list of pressing maters starting with COVID-19. It will be interesting to see if Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf states decide that to normalize relations in order to counter Iran and Turkey being that they will not be able to count on Biden.


    Of course. Democrat Presidents always do. Oslo disaster & Iran deal come to mind; Obama meddled in Israeli elections to try to oust Netanyahu in order to get a weaker prime minister in Trump, that way he could force Israel to make concessions and give up more land. Trump didn’t start any wars. Under Biden the radical Muslims will come out of the woodwork and we’ll go back to pre-2016 conditions. My hope is that countries like Egypt and UAE who have tensions with Iran as well help keep things safe in the middle east, as those countries don’t either like Iran.


    Jackk Biden threatened to cut off aid to Israel in 1982 as a Senator. Vice Presidents are also involved in the foreign affairs of a president. Being the swamp hack he is he obviously never disagreed with anything Obama said.


    “Biden will undo some of the good Trump did.”
    It is much more than that. Biden being president could result in Israel going to war with Iran.
    Undoing some of the good things that Trump did is the least of the problems. How do you think Biden will do anything? He will undo ALL the good things Trump did. We got a long 4 years ahead of us.


    Biden is unlikely to be sympathetic to Turkey or Iran. With almost all the Arab countries have thrown the Palestinians under the bus, the change in regime in America won’t matter all that much. Most of the Arabs have decided that the Israelis are less of a problem than the imperialistic ambitions of Turkey (the former colonial power) and Iran.

    Old Crown Heights

    If Trump goes the corrupt media will return to bashing Israel multiple times a day in excruciating detail.


    I disagree with every single doomsday and worst case scenario.
    It didn’t happen under Obama and will not happen under Biden.

    Israel going to war with Iran ?
    Iran theoretically dropping a bomb on Israel ?
    Your hatred for the democrat’s has influenced your way of thinking rationally. Almost like there is a BDS syndrome. Almost as if you are rooting for the worst case scenario.
    What’s to gain?
    Hashem made Biden the president.

    Do we still believe that Hashem runs the world?

    I repeat, pray hard and try to be mekarev Biden.

    Old Crown Heights

    As if Joe Biden will have any say in the matter. He’s calling (wheezing) for “unity” while all around people are calling (shrieking) for blacklists. Joe Biden will be ignored.


    akuperma -“Biden is unlikely to be sympathetic to Turkey or Iran.”

    Let’s see Biden said he would go back to the Iran deal. This is being sympathetic to Iran.
    He probably will Stop sanctions.
    Btw, the UN & the EU still are saying that Iran isn’t Following the Deal right now, because of their Uranium Enrichment.


    Jack, the moment you said we have to pray and we have to perform our Histadlus, I knew you that you deep down know that Biden won’t be a positive choice for relationship between US and Israel.


    “Just as he did as part of the Obama/Biden Administration, letting the United Nations Security Council condemn Israel.”

    So did Ford, Reagan — something like a dozen times — and Bush 41.

    “And signing back up for the disastrous Iran Deal”

    It is going to take mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv to bring you back to your senses. It was the Iran Deal that ended Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and now thanks to Trump it is back to enriching uranium to weapons grade again.


    From the perspective of an Israeli-American in”occuped territory”:

    There’s no way to definitively know one way or another whether Biden will act like his predecessor or forge his own path. But, keeping that in mind:
    1) One could safely assume that Biden will not do much in Israel’s favor when all his advisors served under Obama.
    2) Biden has to contend with a fairly strong progessive wing in his own party. Who says that part of the party won’t put extreme pressure that he will fold under? Also, isn’t his VP part of that progressive wing? That would indicate a problem for Israel.
    3) I question whether Biden will last the 4 years and if at some point, the planet will have to contend with a President Harris.
    4) Then again, if the Republicans keep the Senate, it could just end up being a stalemate for 4 years.

    At the end of the day, just daven that the US government keeps its senses. Lord knows we’re doing that here in Israel (because the country is flying by the seat of its pants without any sort of plan for the near or distant future).


    biased insiders reported the following right before election:
    – Biden advocated vetoing anti-Israeli resolution, others, such as Susan Rice, advocated for voting FOR. Obama split the difference and at the last moment instructed to abstain.
    – Israeli leaders appreciated Biden’s attitude towards Israel security needs and were able to talk to him. Others on the team did not remember Israeli history and already had Palestinian issue in mind, and were impossible to deal with.

    This is, of course, self-serving justifications, but probably based on some truth


    Biden isn’t the worst, but given his current mental state, the people running the show might make it a bit harder. We really have no way of knowing.



    I admit that Trump has given Israel a lot of victories that they have not gotten in the last 5 administrations.
    A solution to the Iranian and Palestinian issues, however, were not one of them.



    It is bizarre that you still believe that there is an issue with the Biden mental state.
    Even Fox news has given up on that tactic.


    Obviously Fox news is not talking about Biden’s mental state! The election is over so they cannot change people minds about Biden!


    Or as president elect who is 24 hours a day in front of TV cameras and surrounded by secret service and reporters, it is clear that his mental acuity is 100%

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    Which country has a president elect in front of cameras 24 hours a day? Definitely not ours! Don’t you think you’re overdoing it a bit? He just upped his visibility from 1 hour a week to several times, maybe, a day (including the absolutely not social distanced appearance that we’re all pretending didn’t happen…
    24 hours indeed.

    The little I know

    A few commenters here are blind to the obvious. The support to Israel that is most critical is the withdrawal of any form of support for terrorist regimes. This includes Iran, and it royally includes Palestinians. And this is precisely where Obama failed, embracing terror anywhere, from money that was handed to the Palis disguised as “humanitarian aid”, to the billions of dollars in cash supplied to Iran. The Iran deal was a farce, and was never followed. Trump was right for withdrawing. All the violations had already been going on for long. That deal also expressly permitted any other forms of weapon development, and it was close to a guarantee that Iran would be in possession of nuclear weapons in 10 years or less. Blaming Trump for Iran violating its agreement is stupid and ignorant.

    I believe that Biden will say all the right things to Israel in commitment of support. But he will commit the gravest of offenses to Israel when he turns to support the Palis. The Palestinian mission in life is to destroy Israel, something which they have never abandoned. Only Trump promised to withdraw support from that. Biden won’t, and that’s hs he will throw Israel under the bus.

    Reb Eliezer
    Reb Eliezer

    See ami magazine under the name Biden from Rav Shafran entitled Switching Gears // Like it or not, it’s Biden Time



    Your response to my comment is about the number 24 hours ? Wow.


    Trump gets blamed only for the advancements in Nuclear capabilities that Iran has gotten in the last 4 years. Those are all on him.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    If that’s what you got from it. Wow.


    RE -“See ami magazine under the name Biden from Rav Shafran entitled Switching Gears // Like it or not, it’s Biden Time”

    That’s only a possibility. Trump has a Good chance, no matter what You Libs say!
    Trump’s team is Just getting Started.


    Mrs. Syag,

    Biden could be president for the next 4 years and in 2024 you will still believe that he has a mental issue. Nothing will shake you from this. When facts fly in the face of your preconceived notions, you have to reverse course.


    What facts are ‘flying in his face’ exactly?

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