YWN – a source of l''h

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  • #591843

    dear editor, this site is a great source for being updated on (jewish) news! however it is also a source of lashon hara! many opinions on articles are lashon hara. maybe there can be a new system such as mods editing comments/opinions? what does everyone else think about this? please share…


    thought they were moderating. I have a few posts not approved or edited, because the Mods thought they were L”H, when in fact I didn’t feel there was anything bad. So they do moderate already.

    d a

    maybe there can be a new system such as mods editing comments/opinions?

    Belive me, they do!!!

    Can you give me one example of L”H?


    Maybe he’s talking about the YWN main site, not the coffee room.


    They moderate PLENTY!!!!!


    Oomis- Too much sometimes…


    I know they are very conscious of L’H – they will close comments on sensitive subjects without thinking twice. I think people should not come out and ask – where should i buy good challah, or what’s a good place to make a wedding – or how did you like your dinner at this restaurant – these are inviting lashon hara comments – maybe there should be a l’toeles chat room, where people can ask for experiences one on one if they need to know something rather than post a comment for the whole world to post their opinions (read l”h)


    There is an awful lot of moderating and editing at this site. This is why many controversial topics have only one side of the argument displayed. It is not that all readers share one opinion, it’s just that the other side of the coin is moderated/edited.


    There is tonz of moderation and I don’t think there are issues of L”H here.


    BJ, don’t open up stuff you don’t need (e.g. NY or NJ politics in my case). There might be info or hashkafa that is clearly not lashon hara for those who need to make an informed decision, but I don’t need that. I’ve also read as little about Emmanuel as possible, and not from sources with comments, or skipping the comments.

    Does this help?



    Threads that end up CLOSED usually contain Lashon Hara. Character assassinations are as hurtful even without mentioning names. The editor usually eventually understands and closes the thread.


    The first rule they teach in YWN moderator school is:

    If the thought isn’t yeshivish enough, delete it.


    YWN is no more a source of lashon hara than the local grocery or shul.


    APY: Surely you are not serious. The local grocery, and lhavdil the Shul, are certainly not designed for lh. And has a mission other than lh.


    YWN was not created for lashon hara any more than a grocery or a shul. Anywhere people get together there is the possibility of lashon hara. The web in general, and YWN by virtue of its being on the web is included in this, is a greater source of lashon hara. People feel empowered in some way by its anonymous nature and say things they otherwise wouldn’t say.

    Is the web a source of lashon hara, yes. Is YWN any worse than any other site on the web, definitely not.


    to d a: i just checked for an example however writing it over here would be l”h.

    many feel that because they arent signing their names they can write whatever comments they want. if you are unsure of writing something, think ”would i sign off with my real name?”

    if the answer is”no” then you probably shouldnt write it!


    to apushatyid: in the grocery or in shul people talk to each other face to face, nothing is blocking their identity therefore they only say something if they really mean/believe it. online people communicate through a screen, the screen is blocking their identity, therefore on a site ppl arent afraid to write anything, no one knows who they are. i dont mean to critisize YWN, or any other website, however i want to make ppl more aware of the danger that websites may create for them.


    Not to mention the destructive power of l”h online is 1000 X greater than a conversation in a grocery.


    I actualy see the CR as being very much a barrier to LH. The mods do a great job of keeping us (at least me) in line. No one like to see EDITED on their posts, so with that in the back of my mind, I think before I write and click send post.

    I don’t really follow the news page, so no comment on that (all I need to know, I find out in the CR!)



    The CR and the news page are run by a totally different system of moderation, and set of moderators.



    “The CR and the news page are run by a totally different system of moderation, and set of moderators.”

    Perhaps they shouldnt?


    Perhaps you’re right


    Lashon Harah about Modern Orthodox or anyone else not chareidi is permitted

    If you’re talking about the fact that I mentioned those who call themselves MO and promote women rabbits and other twisted ideals then it’s very interesting that those people openly call themselves MO and you find that to be loshen hora.


    I find the modding in the CR to be pretty good. My issue is that I find sometimes the stories posted on the main page are asking for L”H comments.



    Any bad word against Mosherose and his Krumkeiten is deleted. I decided that Mosherose is a mod…

    mosherose is not a moderator and about 50% of his posts have been deleted. You’re seeing his more moderate ones.


    Oh…those wouldve been fun to read…

    Yanky R.

    Considering the extreme left-wing posts that make it past moderation, I don’t see any basis to censor Reb Moshe Rose more than them.


    i have to admit i did have a laugh at that about mosherose. and i was also under the impression that he’s a moderator.

    Yanky R. has a point though.

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