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  • in reply to: Will there be Sephardi Chareidim in the next generation?? #1132996

    Hey first of all LoveTorah take a chill pill! Take a big deep breath, drink a cup of cold fresh water and calm down!

    Second of all, all you guys going on about polygamy… REALLY! what on earth has it got to do with sefardi pride and anyway who in the world needs two wives?!?!? Is one not enough(!) I guess those that wrote it aren’t married:-)

    Now joking aside, things are really not as dark as you make them.

    Now more than ever there is a serious big Kahal of super charedi proud sefardim all over the world! It’s sad to hear that you are in a community that puts us down. but not to worry, its the ‘worrying’ truth that I think is making the sefardi bashing a bit stronger. It’s not new this anti sefardi business. It began with the anti religious zionists before the state, and unfortunately the religious also got caught up in it. The truth is, that already quite a few years ago there were officially more sefardi yeshiva bachurim than ashkenazi ones on Israel. (This was published by the ashke vaad hayeshivos in Israel with all the exact figures) but you wont hear this in public, you only get the picture of the downtrodden dirty sefardi guys…

    Don’t let it get at you. Have a good look around, there are lots and lots of serious and genuine proud sefardim in Israel and around the world! Just wait another few years and there will be a big turnaround. People that really know, know the truth that lots of the real stuff is now by the sefardim!

    About Maran Harav Ovadia Ztz”l, anyone that isn’t politically motivated, anyone that isn’t looking for sinat chinam (I hope i’m not bashing any of your rebeim) knows to appreciate the greatest talmid chacham that lived in the past generations. Just look at the pictures of all the real gedolim from all over the spectrum tha came to the levaya and shiva, and even during his life. Just open his sefarim and read through just a bit. Read the haskamot that he got when he was still very young from the previous generation’s (Ashkenazi) gedolim!! All these fact talk for themselves.

    And last but not least, as I always say, Mashiach is on our doorstep. Avraham Yitzchak and Yaakov, Moshe rabenu, Eliyahu hanavi, Rabi Shimon bar Yochai etc etc ask anybody, are they gonna be wearing fracks with hamburgs or shtreimelach?? of course they’re gonna have the real old ‘sefardi’ garb. And what are they going to be called?? If you say Moishe or Avrohom.. lets be real – they wont even turn around:-))

    So just calm down. Sweet dreams. Don’t let our true pride be downtrodden by a few loudmouths or by a few self haters.. Go out and see the real world!

    in reply to: Who composed the World Famous Sholom Aleichem? #1119716

    Just like the world famous Maoz Tzur that everybody sings is originally a chri**ian hymn from the church! and lots of chasidishe nigunim were originally Russian or Polish marches and lots of Sefardi piyutim were originally composed by great Arabic composers (even for example by Umm Kulthum – an Egyptian anti semitic shikseh)and they were incorporated into the tefilah and sung even by great mekubalim!!

    This is a very old issue and lots has been written about it. There is a ganse inyan (which time and patience doesn’t allow..) about being ‘mekadesh’ a nigun. Even from a tomei source!

    Ahh so you’re gonna ask – so why do we go so mad when modern jewish singers convert a song by any of the modern goyim?? The answer is very simple. It all depends primarily on the type of song, who it was converted by, how it was converted, WHY was it converted etc etc. You need just a little bit of neshama to detect the difference between for example Shalom alechem and some of the new stuff by …I wont mention names…

    in reply to: Funny Bumper Stickers #1163697

    A good friend is sorry he got you into jail, a real friend is sitting next to you saying ‘darn, that was fun!’


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