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  • in reply to: survey on the Get experience #1188220

    To answer my own survey, i know of a couple where the husband wanted the divorce; the wife was okay with it; problem was personal issues and I thought managable but apparently not; the Beis Din put up no resistance; told the couple to get their civil divorce & come back for the Get. Beis Din located in Elizabeth, NJ.

    in reply to: survey on the Get experience #1188219

    CTLawyer, thanks. Do you know why no resistance on the part of the Beis Din? Is that normal? Was it b/c the couple had no children? Or b/c the civil divorce in place? or both parties okay with the divorce? or another reason? And could you give an example where one of the parties didn’t want the divorce? Thanks.

    in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190907

    In Israel, Habayit Hayehudi Hashalem (the Complete Jewish Home party) is trying to get the Rabbinate to approve polygamy. The lack of Jewish men to go around is harming Jewish women from marrying. Less marriages; less babies. The Muslims have multiple wives and more kids. The Sefardi never outlawed polygamy like the Ashkenazi did. Even the Ashkenazi set a limit on the prohibition; which has since expired. I think the way to solve the shidduch crisis is by allowing & even encouraging polygamy. If the wife objects, the husband would respect her wishes. So if the 1st wife is okay with it; it’s halachically allowed; and it will help solve the shidduch crisis, why not?


    Lilmod, maybe start a thread asking people what happened with their Get processes. it would be unscientific but terribly informative.


    And just a quick status, after the holidays, we’re meeting with the Rabbi from the Beis Din in Lakewood for a shaila. The Rabbi we’re going to meet with is highly recommended by our Rabbi. We want to get clarification on whether the Beis Din would order me to give my wife a Get given our circumstances, how can you make a spouse stay in a marriage he/she doesn’t want to stay in, etc… Thanks again for all the insights & Good Yom Tov



    Lilmod, you say “IF the Rabbanim and therapists feel that the marriage is not viable and that they should get divorced, and his wife still hates him and is insisting on a divorce, he should not be stubborn and refuse to give his wife a get for many years.” Lilmod, I agree. The problem is we’ve only gone to our Rabbi. Our Rabbi was initially adamant that I was controlling and abusive to my wife & kids. After not being able to provide even one example, he said in all honesty he didn’t know & was only going on what he was told. I’m afraid my Rabbi inadvertently validated my wife’s thoughts about me. I’m not saying anyone did anything maliciously. I’m just saying between my wife’s allegations & our Rabbi buying into them all, he may have inadvertently made a bad situation worse. This assumes I’m not really controlling and abusive; which I’m 99.99% sure I’m not. Hopefully, when we meet with the Rabbi from the Beis Din in Lakewood for a shaila, he will order us to marriage counseling & my wife will agree to go. Hopefully, the marriage counseling will be able to resolve our issues, m”h.


    To answer some of the comments & questions raised, there’s no actual abuse taking place; verbal or otherwise, as none could be identified in the meetings with our Rabbi. Lilmod, how would u know if the differences can be worked on or not without counseling? Abba_S – our Rabbi is a disaster in my opinion. About 11 yrs ago, he advised me to address my wife’s complaints of her being unhappy; whether real or imagined. I maintained then, as I do know, that I just can’t make my wife happy. We’re not hurting materially or anyhting like that. We have great kids, etc… My Rabbi would argue that you can only change yourself; u can’t change the other person. Okay, but if a wife has a semi-decent husband, great kids, health, no money issues etc… & she’s miserable as all can be, how can I turn her around? Doesn’t she have to do that herself? He said that I wasn’t getting it. He maintained I can’t ask her to change. I can only change myself. In my opinion, and I could be wrong, our Rabbi is actually making matters worse by not advising wife she should count her blessings as opposed to making unrealistic demands. My wife has stated if she’s unhappy, it’s my fault and I have to figure out how to make her happy. I really think my Rabbi has brainwashed my wife. They seem to have similar irrational positions.


    Limod, I thought this thread was closed & I started a new one. On the issue of staying in the marriage, I don’t see why my wife is so unhappy & hates me so much. I’m hoping a serious stab at marriage counseling will bring her around.


    Thanks for everyone’s feedback. My wife & I met w/ our Rebbe earlier. My wife & I will meet with the Rabbi from Bais Horaah in Lakewood for a shaila. Hopefully, he can give us guidance on how to conduct ourselves & tell us how a Beis Din would rule. Also, my Rabbi said he didn’t say a beis din “would definitely” order me to give a Get. He said he told us the beis din “could definitely order” it. My bad. I mis-heard him. In any case, thanks to the posters on this board. There’s at least an outside shot at salvaging our marriage. Thanks again & shavuah tov.

    in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194983

    Joseph, thanks. I just looked up his web site. Very impressive.

    in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194982

    Winnie, what if it’s just bad advice? At our 1st of 2 meetings with our Rabbi, I suggested that the differences between us weren’t all that great, e.g., we agreed on kids, shul, money issues, etc… I was hoping this would motivate our Rabbi to urge us to go to marriage counseling to find out how real our diffs were and whether they could be resolved. Instead, our Rabbi quashed my questioning by asking me how I thought it made my wife feel by minimizing her issues like that. In other words, the Rabbi took my constructive suggestion & turned it into how I’m continuing to be abusive. Which in my opinion, improperly hardened my wife’s position that she needs a Get and counseling being out of the question.

    in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194980

    Lilmod, you’re correct. I apologize. I should have said I don’t believe there’s controlling & abuse taking place. But you’re right. I could be wrong about that. Something hopefully a marriage counselor could determine. Thanks & good early shabbos.


    Joseph, I hope you’re right on this one, but could you please provide a link to support it, thanks: ” A civil divorce has no halachic significance or relevance. A civil divorce does not create a halachic obligation to divorce when there otherwise was no halachic obligation to divorce. And a civil divorce cannot be used to circumvent halacha to obtain a Get when there is no halachic obligation to grant a Get. Unilaterally moving out of the marital home or forcing one’s spouse to unwillingly leave the marital home, also, does not create an obligation to divorce where there otherwise was no halachic obligation to do so.”


    Lilmod, are you sure when u say ” in most cases is that the Beis Din convinces the husband to give his wife a get.” Per my discussions with a Beis Din in Lakewood, NJ earlier today, as long as one person wants to stay in the marriage, they would at least require counseling and still not necessarily order a Get. Even if both people wanted a divorce, they would try talking them out of it. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying that absent a halachic reason for a Get, my understanding is most beis din would not try to “convince” anyone to give a Get. But I could be wrong.


    Lilmod, according to the Jewish Press, it’s actually a sin and not a mitzvah to assume the worst in someone. When we reach the heavenly court, we’ll be judged by Hash-m the way we judged others. If we assume the worse in others, we’ll be judged harshly. I’m saying this b/c you said “In terms of the baseball/video games example, that is the type of thing that really depends on the precise context -exactly what was said and how, and what your children are like, etc. It can be controlling or it might not be.” Even our Rabbi reluctantly admitted it wasn’t a bad thing I did & he actually agreed with me. After having no examples of abuse or controlling, he said he’s only goin by what my wife told him. Which really ticked me off that he’s forming all these negatives about me without vetting the charges or allowing me to weigh in. In summary, it’s not a heimishe thing to work so hard to try to find a negative about somone that just isn’t there. Thanks.


    Joseph, can you or someone provide a web link or specifc reference to show that the following standard applies today: “. . . alleging them is insufficient in itself to allow beis din to order a divorce be granted, even if the party sounds believable. To take an extreme example, the Shulchan Aruch states that if a wife comes to beis din asking for a Get and says her husband physically hits her, the Mechaber rules that the Halacha is that beis din must give him warning that if he doesn’t stop hitting her they will require he divorce her. And if he continues being violent beis din can and will require he divorce her.” Reason I ask is because you’re citing laws that are over 1,000 years old vs. Lilmod who is saying “I have not heard of a single person who wanted to get divorced but was not allowed to.” Thanks.


    Lilmod, you said “I know tons of people who are divorced and I have not heard of a single person who wanted to get divorced but was not allowed to.” Any cases like mine? where the wife wanted the divorce and the husband didn’t? And the wife didn’t have halachic grounds for the divorce? It sounds to me like you’re talking civil court & not a Beis Din. On the other hand, our Rabbi suggested my wife just get a civil divorce; have me moved out of our house; then go the beis din, then the underlying reasons wouldn’t matter. The Beis Din would be forced to order me to provide a Get, i.e., civilly divorced and not living together. But you’re saying without a civil divorce, just the wife can go to a beis din & demand a Get?


    Joseph, could you or someone elaborate on what you wrote, i.e., “Lenny, the Halacha in Shulchan Aruch, regarding gittin cases, is that any charges a wife alleges in order to procure a Get mandate, she needs to prove with evidence in beis din.” I thought the wife just has to be believable. I’ve googled on the issue and can’t find the evidence a divorcing wife needs to bring. Could you please provide a url or quote supporting your position? Thanks.

    in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194951

    Lilmod, you’re saying our Rabbi did such a great job by allowing my wife to complain about me but I disagree. Provided there’s no actual controlling or abuse going on, if the Rabbi allows the wife to complain about these issues without ever asking for real-life examples, which I assume he never did, then I think the Rabbi’s empathy is actually counter-productive.

    in reply to: obtain a beis din's preliminary ruling without actually going to a beis din #1194939

    On a positive note, I just got off the phone with the Bais Horaah of Lakewood. I also donated $36 on their web site & encourage others to do the same. What a wonderful resources. Thanks again Abba S. & others for pointing them out. The Rabbi told me any beis din would require marriage counseling before granting and/or ordering anyone to give a Get. So that’s good & opposite of whay my Rabbi stated. He then gave me the name of a head beis din Rabbi who can hear our case & provide shailos/guidance before we actually go to a beis din.


    Zaha, per the Jewish Press, the lack of money is definitely a bad thing. A wife who can’t put on a proper shabbos dinner or clothe the children isn’t gonna be as cheerful as she would otherwise be. So yes, you’re correct, a working ATM machine, in & of itself won’t bring happiness but being able to pay for weddings, yeshiva, tzedekkah & such should & does bring me a certain level of satisfaction.


    nishtday, per The Jewish Press, “controlling” is when the husband yells at & puts down his wife because the bathrooms weren’t cleaned well enough or the shabbos dinner is not edible. It’s like abusive type of mind-control. I’m very libertarian & the opposite of controlling. The funny part was the Rabbi thought controlling meant making my kids play baseball when they were little instead of playing video games because I was “controlling” their activities.


    Joseph, by “super-friendlyl,” I mean she speaks & confides in the Rabbi all the time. The Rabbi initially insisted he knew I was controlling & abusive because my wife has been telling him this for over 20 years. It’s the same complaint over & over. BTW, i never knew about this. The Rabbi said he gave my wife a book on controlling & my wife said “it described me to a T; to a T.” Of course, it was nonsense because they had no examples. That’s what i meant by “super-friendly.” And we’re both active volunteers in our shul; and the Rabbi & our kids are same ages, etc… etc…


    Limod, ZD is correct. My wife either hates my guts or can’t stand me. Why? that’s where I’m hoping marriage counseling can help. She refuses to go for counseling because in her mind I’m beyond help. What’s hilarious is that between the kids yeshiva schooling, new cars, vacations, sizable donations to our shul, etc… etc… we’re doing quite well.


    Abba S., thanks for pointing out what a shailos is & I may speak to my wife about going to the Bais Horaah of Lakewood. As an aside, my Rabbi & wife are super-friendly. My Rabbi was 100% adamant all the charges against me were true & a beis din would order me to give my wife a get. After I pressed the issue & neither my wife or Rabbi could come up with even one example to support the controlling and abuse charges, my Rabbi was like I’m just going by what I was told. I asked twice if a beis din would really order me to give a Get; he kept saying absolutely – no doubt about it. Hopefully, the Bais Horah can clarify things. Thanks & lehitraot.


    Zaha, you nailed my dilemma. My wife hates me for allegedly being controlling & abusive to her & the kids. Our Rabbi was scratching his head when he met with us because my wife couldn’t name an instance in 25 years when I was either. I’m hoping, and it’s a longshot, that if I can get her to go to marriage counseling, she’ll see there’s no abuse going on. The only way I think she’ll go to counseling is if a beis din panel member hears her complaints and says something along the lines of he would require us to go to marriage counseling before ordering me to issue a Get. Thanks.

    in reply to: When the mods change your username… #1185535

    Moderator, thanks for the quick answer. I changed the question to comply with TYW’s rules. You may be correct about TYW not being designed for my question, but it’s the best place I can locate. Thanks & lehitraot

    in reply to: Finding Massage from a Male Masseuse #1185670

    Check on Craigslist

    in reply to: When the mods change your username… #1185533

    I started a topic yesterday and don’t see it. Should I repost or give it more time?

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