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  • in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2020134

    crazykanoi, In liberal cities blacks are out a bit after they are arrested, many don’t get arrested for their crimes at all ( I’ve personally been witness to two such stories where the cops let the BLACK CRIMINALS off the hook without taking them in after commiting CRIMES that I, and my neighbors, were witness to in my neighborhood). Some serve a bit and are out on the streets again in no time doing their crime. More white people get killed by police than blacks but no one gives a hoot.

    You talk about Trump supporters being delusional but you Democrats are totally delusional. And how do you call yourself a a kanuoi when the leftist Democrats are pushing agendas that are abominations? You are a kanuoi for the crazy leftist liberals, you gave yourself an accurate posting name.

    in reply to: HaToirah Chosa al MeMoinam Shel Yisroel #2020118

    Ujm, is that a joke? The Australian government is worse than the Israeli government.

    in reply to: Seminary girls getting engaged #2020123

    ujm, where is it written the “deadline” that girls have to marry? According to halacha women do not need to get married.

    in reply to: Seminary girls getting engaged #2020124

    The little I know, some girls feel ready to get married by 16, do you support that?

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2020072

    I don’t believe it was the previous Satmer Rebbe who bought the ALREADY FRUM Teimanah to America and Kiryas York, I think it was the current Satmere Rebbe. But it doesn’t matter which Satmer Rebbe it was, the Teimanah were already frum, there was no seeking to make them baalei teshuvas, only to give them an opportunity to continue their mesorah. I think the previous Rebbe bought some Argentinians to KJ, but again, they were frum people prior to their arrival in KJ as well.

    Teimanah and Argentinians who didn’t shtell zich tzi to the Satmere rules, they couldn’t fit into the Satmer mold, weren’t welcome anymore. I’m not saying it in a way to bring out any negative aspects of either the Teimanah, Argentinians or the Satmere, I’m just saying that the Satmere are very on top of keeping out influences they don’t desire.

    in reply to: Israel on its own #2020074

    I also don’t think it’s a good idea for the US to send billions of dollars in military aid to Israel. At a time when the US is deep in debt (too much overspending by us politicians), it is not good for Israel to be taking these billions of dollars. Neither can the US afford it.

    in reply to: HaToirah Chosa al MeMoinam Shel Yisroel #2020075

    Is there a stable country that has frum infastructure, shuls, moisdos, etc. to invest in real estate at this time? I don’t consider Israel to be stable due to the government which is run almost like a dictatorship. The US is out of course. I don’t think it will last much longer.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2020067

    ujm, how is that relevent to the conversation? The Teimani were 100% frum.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019996

    Novelty, your story is just proving my point. We need to protect what we have and not open the door to missionaries as is becoming more common these days. It is not about throwing out the baby with the bathwater, we need to protect our kids and our communities, not lower our defenses to a world that is looking to devour us.

    And again, we cannot have people claiming to have Jewish grandmothers, and then becoming frum and integrating in our communities when they can just as well be equally non-Jewish or Jewish. And on top of that, kids who were bought up in the secular society of pro-lgtbq have serious mental and emotional issues that can be a virus c”v, and on top of that, frum families doing kiruv in today’s secular world is a danger to them. It is beyond our capabilities to do kiruv without endangering our own children and communities.

    I have been talking against kiruv for years already. As time goes by I see more and more how right I am about this issue. And I’m right simply because I’m realistic. I don’t let people guilt me into changing the awareness of reality with the hype of “we need to love our fellow Jews”. There’s a place for that too in Yiddishkeit of course, but this is not what Hillel meant, to let the dangers in within our midst. We are not smarter than our gedolim of previous centuries when so many assimilated for many reasons and there was no mass kiruv movements. While 15+ years ago kiruv was doable for many reasons, today, outside of Israel, kiruv is not a viable option anymore.

    in reply to: Seminary girls getting engaged #2019997

    ujm, we are talking about girls from our heimishe communities, not some hillbillies from the South who do not have normal functioning families and have extra-familial relationships. Just because these kind marriages used to work for them 100+ years ago does not mean that it works today. 95% of these marriages are a total failure with disfunctioning and broken families.

    Today we need strong marriages. Girls and boys need to have an understanding of themselves and what they are looking for a spouse. Of course, working on our middos is extremely important, that is the basis for a successful marriage. But before that, it is important for bucharim and girls to know what type of frum family lifestyle they want and to be mature enough to marry.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019965

    Excuse me, if there’s systemic racism it’s against whites. Black businesses are promoted, not white, black history is promoted, not white, black artists are promoted, not white, blacks are admittied to university and college based on their skin color, not whites, I can go on.

    The racism I have felt as a Jew was from blacks, not whites. So stop it with the systematic racism against blacks. It’s ridiculousl.

    My comments are not meant to disparage blacks, I have had good encounters with black people as well.

    All I’m saying is that racism exists within the black communities just as much as in the white communities. Blacks have just as many opportunities today , and oftentimes more, than whites. They are only victims of their own disfunction within their families of missing fathers and out of wedlock children.

    There are many, many blacks who say what I’m saying; BLACKS TODAY ARE NOT VICTIMS AND STOP MAKING THEM INTO VICTIMS!

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019964

    Novelty, I am all for sending a message to society that there’s a Creator of this universe and we cannot live a life of immorality. When I see Jews supporting politicians that are pro-toiava I become very upset because it defeats the purpose of our existance. It is our job to send a message to the world of the purpose of creation. I think we should protest immorality, whether it is through ads or protests. That is not the same as kiruv.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019937

    AviraDeArah, many years ago, when I was still a teenager, so we are talking over twenty years ago, a girl worked in my family business. She was from Russia and supposedly a baalei teshuva. But we found out later that due to an error she was really non-Jewish. So when I asked someone who knew about the case why she still dressed and acted Jewish and stayed within the community they claimed that they invested too much money to just let her go…thinking about this I get mad! I have no clue what ended up with that girl. This was over twenty years ago!

    There was a story in Hamodia about a Russian teenage boy whose mother, who was an alcoholic, claimed that she’s Jewish and therefore was allowed to attend avJewish camp. He wanted to travel to a yeshiva in England but for whatever reason that I can’t remember now his mother didn’t give permission for him to go. However they had a yeshiva ready for him and would he be able to travel to England he’d be accepted into Yeshiva simply because his alcoholic mother claimed that she was a Jew. The article clearly enunciated that point that they had no way of verifying his Jewishness so they checked with a Rav who ruled that they could believe his mother…

    Recently there was a story of a baal teshuva who found out after already having einklach that he was a non-Jew! Since he’s a make his family didn’t have to undergo conversion but can you imagine a believing he’s Jewish, wife wife marrying him as a Jew, bringing up a Jewish family… I have no doubt, as generations have moved further from their Jewish ancestry, that many people assume they are Jewish, whether due to adoption, or their grandparents converting through the Reform movement, that such stories will be much more frequent if this “baal teshuva movement” does not stop.

    Whom are we trying to bring into our communities? The secular world today is worlds away from the society it was 15+ years ago. This has to stop.

    We have unfortunately lost millions of nefashos throughout the millenias, Jews taken into slavery, forced conversions, the Enlightenment, assimilation, etc. The Jewish nation has survived and will continue to survive because Hashem promised us we will stay a nation despite losing so many of our people. We daven that Hashem should send Moshiach and return all the lost people to our nation. From our part, is not right to mess with a situation that cannot be rectified at this time

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019818

    …I meant making the blacks feel sorry for their own ancestors selling their own people to slave traders…

    I wish there would be an edit button to be able to edit mistakes…

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019816

    Novelty, Avraham Avinu did not do kiruv rechokim, there was no Judaism at the time. The converts he made were not Jewish converts, they were pagans who served idols and he taught them to serve Hashem. Noach also didn’t have to find specifically Jews and make them specifically Torah observant. That was completely different than bringing people who are supposed to be Jewish.

    Now the Lubavitche Rebbe, the Skulene Rebbe and even Rav Meir Shutter made baal teshuvas in a different world. The world of today is another 2-4 generations removed from their Jewish observant ancestor. It is a world of trans and gays and we don’t want these people within our midst. To deny reality is be delibertely blind and chase a goal that will bring disaster in our midst.

    If I may ask, did you become frum in the last decade or earlier? From how you write I am guessing that you are a long-time baal teshuva. This generation of secular Jews ( and yet again today it’s much harder to know if those who claim to be are Jews are truly Jews) are completely and totally different to ones decades ago when people still had moral values despite being secular.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019800

    Ubiquitin, sorry I missed the part in your comment about teaching blacks about their own racism. I’m SURE they will make classes addressing black racism towards Jews and whites. They will also make blacks feel like they have evil tendencies of racism because of their skin color, classify them, make them feel guilty for their ancestors selling of their own people to slave master, make them feel guilty for the slave trade they were a part of…sure that will happen.

    You have a very naive perception of what CRT is about.

    How is there systemic racism?
    Do people not vote for black politicians?
    Can blacks not get into college and universities due to their skin color?
    Are they denied jobs due to their skin color?
    If you answer yes to any of these questions above then you are living in an alternative universe.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019801

    YO, it is making inroads in Israel H”y and will likely effect Sefardim, especially non-frum Sefardim now that there’s a Reform MK ( I forgot his name) that doing away with halachik kashrus standards and messing with the geirus process.

    The Sefardim weren’t effected till now because the Reform movement originated in Europe. Then moved to the US Only recently have they infiltrated Israel where Sefardim live.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019787

    Avirah, actually it is in the toichacha that a large number of Jews will fall away.

    I’m not saying to do away the kiruv movement in Israel where the majority of people who say that they are Jewish are truly Jewish (at this time) . I am talking specifically of kiruv in the US.

    It is absolutely not the duty of frum Jews to place their own and their family’s ruchnius and children’s education at second place to make find people who SAY that their grandmother was Jewish and even spoke a word or two of Yiddish. That is no guarantee that they are Jewish.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019733

    huju, I have responded earlier but the mods may not want to post it as I’ve described in detail the left-leaning Democrat agenda. If they do post it later then this will be a repeat in different words.

    The left-leaning Democrats are promoting an agenda of immorality through propaganda in the mainstream media, social media and entertainment industry. But worse than that is that they have infiltrated public schools across the US and are brainwashing kids with their perverted material under the guise of education.

    I would hope that you don’t support this and if you takeh don’t then don’t call yourself a “left-leaning Democrat” because this is who they are; total and complete perverts preying on innocent children.

    in reply to: Shooting with a DSLR #2019730

    Btw, I don’t understand these pro video and photography questions. People shoot a question and run off, no thanks for those who responded, no clarifications needed etc. I stopped answering these questions as I think they are troll threads.

    in reply to: Shooting with a DSLR #2019728

    Lostspark, I looked up eotech red dot as I never heard of such a camera. It’s a weapon sight, why would you recommend it as a camera to shoot pro video?

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019690

    huju, based on your post you do not know what left-leaning Democrats support. They support teaching kids in school about transgender and sex education. They promote pornographic material in school and spread all kinds of perverted material for class review.

    This is what they are currently teaching in public schools run by left-leaning Democrats. If you support this then you are a pervert. If you don’t support this then your not a left-leaning Democrat and shouldn’t call yourself as such.

    in reply to: Seminary girls getting engaged #2019695

    I think 20-21 is the right age for girls and boys these days to get engaged. I would say to start listening by 19. I wish for everyone in the parsha to have an easy and quick time finding their zivugim.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019684

    DBS, I have not said that YO supported the women of the wall. I said that if one is saddened by the destruction that these Reformers have unleashed upon klal Yisroel and over what their continued goals are with their provocative actions, they would not ask this question.

    If the question would be “is wow violating a specific siman with their actions at the Wall?” that would be a neutral question. The way I read the op’s question was more like a challenge that they are not violating halacha.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019675

    I meant to write that blacks do NOT have a problem getting into colleges and universities.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #2019674

    This is the fault of the kiruv movement, something I have been talking about for years. After individuals have been mekareved it is out duty to welcome them. The problem starts with the mistaken misconception that it is our duty to be mekarev people who claimno be Jewish. That is a fallacy. The baal teshuva movement is a relatively new phenomenon, Rabbonim in previous generations never made a mass movement of trying to get people who were non-practing Jews to return. Certainly they didn’t try to get the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren of non-practicing Jews to return to the fold. It is naive to think that from all the tens, and maybe even hundreds, of people that become baal teshuvas every year there won’t be missionaries or non-Jews, who assume that they are Jews, among them.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019657

    Ubiquitin, it’s really funny that you think CRT is only about history when it’s about division, the narrative of blacks being victims and forcing them into that mold, and engendering white self-loathing. This is not what we teach in Jewish history classes.

    There is no systemic racism whatsoever. That’s a lie. There was a black president, there are black mayors and governors, blacks do have a problem getting into college and universities based on their skin color, often it’s white and Asian students who are not accepted because of affirmative action.

    Furthermore, you have ignored my comment regarding black racism towards Jews. I have experienced that myself. So why aren’t blacks taught not to hate Jews? Many blacks also hate whites and exhibit racism towards them so why don’t we classify blacks according to their level of racism like they do to whites in CRT classes?

    in reply to: Seminary girls getting engaged #2019652

    Why would post-seminary girls listen to non-Jewish music?


    This is absolutely terrible. Israel places itself in danger by being weak. Bennet was always a rightwinger like Sharon was but the lim the end the Israeli leaders turn into jello when they are afraid of international reaction.

    in reply to: What is the real reason for banning Jews from Israel? #2019604

    As this is going on forever I’m wondering what those in charge are thinking. But let’s be honest here, they are shutting it down to non-Jewish tourists as well and while no one was allowed to enter, students, mainly Yeshiva students, were allowed in.

    So yes, I think the Israeli government is horrible for shutting down the borders for 1.5 years, but it’s not about discrimination, it’s about their faulty thinking that they can make covid go away by shutting down the country and vaccinating.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019600

    Wow, I can’t believe that frum Jews would support crt. Besides that it’s all about profit for those behind the push to teach this garbage in schools , it divides people and races by saying that whites are inherintly racist. It also places mixed race individuals in akward positions in the way they relate to themselves and their families. Many blacks have come out against crt, they say they are not victims, which is the truth, blacks today can have any job and work in any sector. Systemic racism against blacks is a false narrative.

    As a Jew, I experienced racism from some blacks, how about we make classes to teach about black racism towards Jews. I know there are many of them who don’t like Jews, let’s teach in schools about how blacks are inherintely racist…

    America is going down because of this leftist stupidity. In the end we will all pay because of all of this garbage. But no matter how bad the leftists make the US, they insist on wearing blinders.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019404

    Democrats are leftist perverts teaching kids perverted behavior, destroying the moral fiber of our society. They are perverts and are trying to force their perverted lifestyle on everyone. They are destroyers of our great country.

    Republicans today are not much further behind. The Republicans of today would be called ultra-leftists decades ago. Nevertheless, it is the leftists who the train wreckers, the SJWs that will take this country over the edge. The Republicans are just outcome of the collective wreckage.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019552

    DBS, if someone was drilling a hole on a boat you are on and people protested this dangerous action would you say “quote me a law which prohibits drilling a hole on a boat?!” There’s actually no such law that I’m aware of that prevents people from drilling holes, per se. But if someone would do that they would be liable for the repercussions.

    There is no question that the repercussions, if wow women would get their way without resistance, there would be the sinking boats of thousands of Jews who would become confused, many Israelis are already confused, of what authentic Judaism is all about. And we know what happens when that happens. These reshuim were historically “successful” since the Reform inception and have led millions of Jews astray because so many asked “what’s wrong if they do this which is “only” against daas Yeshudis or minhugim, where’s the “real source” that prohibts such behavior?” This has led millions of Jews towards the slippery slope of full halachic violations to the point of assimilation. Whether there’s an outright source prohibiting wow in the particular case of forming their own minyanim with a man leining I’m not sure, but the guaranteed repercussions are too great to ignore. And why wouldn’t they have a woman leining? They have no problem with that…but regardless, anyone who is saddened by the churbonos the Reform had made and are making would never ask for a source where their actions are prohibited.

    in reply to: Donald trump #2019547

    I say there’s no choice, competition is good. Of course, I have no doubt that problems will eventually arrive from such a platform as well. I can see right-wingers taking advantage of it, for example.

    I personally am against social media in general. I don’t have Twitter, Facebook, ticktock, etc I wouldn’t join Trump’s platform either.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019486

    Ubiquitin, an official definition, from Wikipedia or from a different source, is not what defines the CRT. The actual subject material tuaght is what defines CRT.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019431

    Ubiquitin, your “definition” by quoting Wikipedia is naive. Who provided the info to Wikipedia who is pushing the leftist agenda? You have never looked at the material being taught nor do you understand that those who push the agenda are making millions. It’s all about $. Besides which, there’s absolutely no systemic racism today. BIacks are actually the new privileged class. It is mind-boggling that humans push agendas that they will end up suffering from. Totally kind boggling.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019418

    shebbosian, a poisek is someone who gives teshuvas and writes sefurim on halacha. No, we didn’t call the Sanhedrin poiskim, but that’s what they were, the poskim of their dor. And throughout all the doiros, whatever you want to call them, Rishoinim, Achroinim, etc, they were the poskim of their dor and we have the poskim of today. Perhaps you want to call these poskim “Rabbis” but then there Conservadox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and all branches of non-Judaism have “Rabbis” as well. But these “Rabbis” cannot be called poskim. So my point is not only those whom today we davka poisek hador is a poisek. Authentic Rabbis who pasken halacha are all poiskim.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019407

    YO is 100% defending WoW by asking for a source that prohibts their depraved behavior with the intended goal which is to destroy
    the Yiddishkeit which they have successfully done to millions of Jews over 3 centuries, all over Europe, the Americas and they are currently making inroads in Israel, H”y.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019300

    Ubiquitin, no way, are you actually defending crt? You don’t know what it’s truly about because if you do and are still defending it still then…I don’t want to write the adjectives I have currently running through my mind.

    in reply to: HaToirah Chosa al MeMoinam Shel Yisroel #2019234

    What if you save dollars which goes on to lose all value? What if dollars don’t lose their value but the banks crash like during the Great Depression? I’m thinking about investing in gold.

    It’s crazy times. I don’t feel comfortable investing anywhere. I think the US is heading down the same road Venezuela is on. I don’t think the market will just crash once and then recover, I think it’s the end of comfortable times in the US.

    in reply to: Anything the Democrats Touch Gets Worse #2019183

    crazykanoi, you are seeing the trees and not the forest. All this government “help” is coming from middle-income earners taxes. America is on the path to becoming the second Venezuela by stealing from the people to pay the people…how ingenious….

    And about Trump you are really trying to pin stuff on him that’s has nothing to do with him. Besides for the deficit. But if that’s a point you want to make a out him, the DemoRats are a trillion times worse. 3.5 trillion dollars worse, in fact.

    in reply to: I’m still waiting…. #2019117

    The problem with today’s generation is “where does it say”. Where does it say you can’t wear a wig so long that it reaches the floor? Where does it say that we can’t wear nose rings ( this question pertains to men as well)? Where does it say that women can’t read the Torah bechlal, I don’t think there’s a source for that bechlal…

    The sources are Rabbonim from our times!!! The Ramban was a poisek in his dor, the Ramchal in his dor, etc, etc. And today’s Rabbonim are against wow, obviously.

    Before the WoW are busy with minyanim and the like, they should eat kosher, cover their hair and not be mechalelei Shabbos nor engange in abominable acts. The point of their shenanigans is not to serve Hashem, they simply want to spread their liberal agenda of women being the same as men. And look where these liberal ideologies got them, today men can be considered women as well in their sick minds.

    in reply to: When did hats get so big? #2018750

    Gadolhadorah, when was the last time you’ve seen a shtreimel? Today they’re bigger, taller and higher than any noble has ever worn, guaranteed.

    in reply to: why are there no daughters in the Hagadah #2018742

    Ujm, I didn’t say the two languages are totally alike. I said “I’m sure it’s used in the same way in L”H”. Ivrit doesn’t have the same grammar rules and has more words and different phrases than Loshen Hakodesh, but for the most part, L”H words used in Ivrit mean the same in both languages.

    in reply to: why are there no daughters in the Hagadah #2018596

    Novelty, good point. That is true, bunim can mean any gender. Google translate translates בנים from Ivrit (which I’m sure is used the same way in L”H) to “child, girl, daughter, … addition to “boys”.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2018587

    Avira, of course there’s always improvements that are needed in a “system” in this case moisdois, communities, etc.however, overall, certainly in the communities that I know about, there are hundreds of thousands of wonderful, ehrlicha people who come out from this “system”.

    That people were turned “off” is not an excuse. Do you know how many murderers and people who turn to crime use the excuse that they were bullied? It’s not an excuse to go and murder others. The fact of life is that no person is perfect and no system is perfect and no one cannot turn “off” because of it.

    I am totally against the over-stuffing of knowledge in frum schools without REALLY TEACHING what our purpose and goals in life should be according to the Torah. Kids should be taught how we need a kesher with Hashem, not have a hollow, materialistic based Jewish life.

    At the age of 12 and 13 Jews are responsible for their actions. It is from those ages where people start becoming who they are as adults.

    I’m not going to judge anyone for their actions, I have to judge my own. However, people’s lifestyles and actions cause people to form opinions of them. Imagine a frum person who is CONSTANTLY, everyday, rude to others, particularly non-Jews or not religious Jews ( as some are not so bothered when such behavior is exhibited towards other frum Jews but when it’s towards non-Jewish or non-religious people it’s unforgivable). Imagine if this person is loud, rude, throws wrappers on the ground after eating in the street, etc.What kind of opinion would you have of such a person? I’m sure you would hold highly of such a person, no? Well, I wouldn’t and I bet all the people here defending OTDs and screaming that you have to love them would also not hold too highly of a person who is always rude and uncouth. They may write that you have to be Dan l’kaf zchus it’s not so but in real life, would they see a person throwing garbage on the ground or act in a demeaning way toward others would definitely be angry about such behavior. But yet when it comes to people rebelling against Hashem’s Torah and rejecting it, all of a sudden so many are understanding and accepting and loving and excuse such behavior when Yidden in previous doiros sanctified their lives for Hashem and His Torah!

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2018570

    Avirah, Atzvus is an avaeirah btw because people can help themselves get out of it ( I’m dodging the bullets here) Now of course I can’t evaluate people’s spiritual medreigas, ( not am I interested in doing so) but generally, if people would appreciate for the gift of life and all the gifts Hashem gave them there would be no depression. It is in this day and age where everyone constantly bemoans there childhood, there spouse, etc. And yes, I do understand commonsaychel’s pov because there are people that literally ruin their own lives through their own actions while giving a gazillion excuses of why they are lazy. Those of us who pushed past the things that held us back understand that with excuses you get nowhere. Of course, a person needs siyatah dishmaya to succeed no matter what effort they put into something, but oftentimes I see incredibly lazy people blaming the predictable results of their own inaction.

    However, when talking about looking down on people I wasn’t talking about frum, depressed people or lazy people, I was talking about OTDs and those who life is one big party with a small dose of Yiddishkeit on the side. Regardless of depression, childhood, etc., etc. there’s no valid reason one can have to reject God’s eternal words that He commanded us to keep. Whatever matzav a Jew is in, he still is obligated to and he still has the capabilities to follow (at least basic) halachas.

    in reply to: ADHD can be an expression of the creative mind #2018446

    Ash, I’m happy to hear that you’re doing good now but my point is that there’s no reason to go through all this suffering when schools can make learning more interesting and engaging with visual tools and creative classes and more recess. Today we have tons of after-school programs that should be integrated within the regular school curriculums. Of course, that won’t solve all problems but it could solve many problems.

    As for sitting through siddurim, I’m not a man and never went to yeshiva, but I have heard many boys being successful in yeshivas where instead of the magid shuir teaching, the boys are actively engaged and involved in the shuir.

    And the same is with jobs, there are many suitable jobs that ADHD labeled people can be successfully work in.

    So I’m coming from a different angle. Instead of seeing it as a disorder, I see it as a different way of thinking, and yes it can be very challenging oftentimes, but if we work with it instead of against it, if we understand HOW we can work with it, ADHD labeled people would be more productive with less challenges in everyday life.

    It is my opinion that modern day life is much harder for people labeled ADHD. Technology oftentimes gets ADHD people stuck in addictive behavior, sitting all day in classes where years ago no one sat for hours in classrooms learning about subjects they were not interested in, etc. Today, the way people are considered productive in our frum society, can oftentimes be very challenging for ADHD labeled people.

    Now, you are saying that I’m out of date regarding what the term ADHD means and then you go ahead and say that the name is misleading… So how can you so I’m out of date if the term ADHD is out of date? And having a subtype of innatentive ADHD does not make the term a correct one.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2018411

    Syag, false. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Everyone went through the same system. Some people suffer more than others in life but those are not necessarily the ones who throw away Yiddishkeit. Today’s stupid excuse is trauma when most don’t have trauma it’s fake news.

    Now am I saying the system is perfect? Absolutely not. I myself was discriminated against due to my family situation, which also wasn’t a bowl of cherries, mildly put.

    How in the world does anyone think they have an excuse to throw away the Torah and mitzvos because life isn’t exactly the way they want it to be?! We are here to grow from our challenges, no one can use their God-given challenges to throw away Torah and mitzvos.

    The woke secular society has influenced frum Jews as well. As someone who went through many, many challenges in life, I look down at people who throw away the Torah and oftentimes their entire lives, simply because they have challenges which EVERYONE does. The vast, vast majority of OTDs were absolutely not abused, it’s fake news.

    Has everyone forgotten about bechira?! That term has been thrown into the trash bin. Now it’s about “trauma”…whether someone has trauma, real or imagined, there’s no excuse to drop Shabbos and eat chazer.

    Can people love OTDs and people engaged in non-stop frivolous behavior? Absolutely, that is your ideoligy. However, as everything in life, this has repercussions with the communities being the most accepting of sinful people having the most of them.

    Historically Rabbonim and frum Jews did not accept excuses from individuals who threw away Yiddishkeit, whether they were maskilim or converted to Christianity ( with the exception of forced conversions) and they were dealt harshly with. People say today is different and we must accept them the way they are then that’s their opinion. Hashem commanded us, without exception and without excuses, to fulfill His commandments, and we will be punished ( which we see this happening more and more frequently H”y) if we disobey and therefore if those who know better engage in abominable behavior and are mechalelei Shabbos, and eat treifus are, at the minium, looked down upon by people who do not take trampling of His mitzvos and His Torah lightly.

    Being dan l’kaf zchus only applies to frum people, not have turned away from Yiddishkeit.

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018416

    Yeserbius, you can’t be a conservative and support affirmative action.

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