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  • in reply to: “Frum” therapist #2047194

    Here’s a shocking thought – assuming (and accepting, which some commentators on here won’t) there is a desparate need for therapists in the frum community
    Would you rather you/your child go to a frum therapist with the correct hashkofo….? Surely yes?

    in reply to: Minyan #1847708

    If it’s not being spread by minyanim how comes so many people seem to have caught it in shul?
    The problem is you cannot trust people to space out they just don’t do it…. and you can’t trust vulnerable people to stay home.
    Nobody has an issue with hatzolo breaking Shabbos which is surely more serious than missing minion why on earth can people not get this through their heads stay home do not congregate.

    We are supposed to be intelligent when it comes to this basic halachic issue the frum community has totally failed and it’s cost dozens of lives how we ever recover from this I don’t know what message do we send our kids that we don’t get basic principles of Jewish law? R”l

    in reply to: How much does it cost to support for a year? #853899

    It is downright offensive and outrageous how “working boys” are seen as lower than “learning boys”. This needs to CHANGE! It is a mitzvah and zechus to work to provide for your family. The current economic model is unsustainable beyond the current generation. What will the grandchildren do? Be supported by parents who themselves are supported by their parents?

    Stop looking down on people who work. End of. Give credit to masmidim (even Ben gurion recognized the concept) but don’t assume every person is suitable for kollel.

    A rosh yeshiva was passing one of the demonstrations in Yerushalayim and saw a former talmid “How’s it going” he asked

    “TO be honest Rebbi I’m not in full-time learning anymore, it didn’t work out for me. But don’t worry I’m not working ch”v”

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