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Russian President Vladimir Putin urged the West on Thursday to “immediately” meet Russia’s demand for security guarantees precluding NATO’s expansion to Ukraine, saying the U.S. is “on the threshold of

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It was a debate about printing pictures of women – even before the HaModiah and the Yated ever existed.  And lest anyone think that

The United States is quickly running out of its supply of monoclonal antibodies as the Omicron variant of Covid-19 increases demand for the lifesaving treatment, with long lines of people

Google Pay & Apple Pay With Google or Apple pay, all your card info is saved to your device in a secure manner, and you can make donations to causes

The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits was unchanged last week, remaining at a historically low level that reflects the job market’s strong recovery from the coronavirus recession last

Three kedoshei elyon had one common concept when it came to learning Torah – they were the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh (Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar 1696-1743) when he came to Eretz Yisroel; the

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Rebbetzin Zelda Baila Alpert A”H, who was Niftar early this morning. The rebbetzin was the daughter of Hagaon HaRav Chaim Pinchos

U.S. health regulators on Thursday authorized the second pill against COVID-19, providing another easy-to-use medication to battle the rising tide of omicron infections. The Food and Drug Administration authorization comes

Join Klal Yisrael in learning Mishnah Yomi as the New Cycle Begins this Shabbos-  21 Teves – Dec. 25! Learn just Two Mishnayos a Day and complete Shas in time

Billionaire Microsoft founder and vaccine warrior Bill Gates said that the Omicron variant could be inviting in “the worst part” of the pandemic, and said that he is canceling his

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the runner-up to Donald Trump in 2016 Republican presidential primaries, told a reporter that he is very strongly considering another bid for the White House in

With COVID-19 cases spiking, New York City officials said Wednesday they’re opening more testing sites and restricting visiting at city-run hospitals and jails — but having crowds in Times Square

Recent polls have confirmed what has been apparent to many political analysts for months: Americans are becoming increasingly fed up with President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress. In a

A large and growing number of NYPD officers are out sick with Covid-19 infections, with over 2,700 officers – some 8% percent of the police force – having become infected

בס”Jerusalem Estates’ Central Road Officially Named by City Municipality We are happy to announce that we have received official recognition from the city municipality, with the formal naming of the

The Covid-19 pandemic may have just met its match. Scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research are expected to announce within weeks that they have successfully developed a

The pipeline is built and being filled with natural gas. But Russia’s Nord Stream 2 faces a rocky road before any gas flows to Germany, with its new leaders adopting

Readers’ hearts and minds were captured this week by the devastating story of a young frum father who is in serious danger. According to a letter from Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein

A chilling story was told at the shiva of Pnina Moskowitz, z’l, of Ashdod, a mother of 16 children who passed away several days ago at the age of 66

Sales of previously occupied U.S. homes rose for the third straight month in November, reflecting strong demand, low mortgage rates and intense competition for a relatively few number of properties

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