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In recent days, many Jews in Israel are wondering what the proper way is to celebrate Purim in the shadow of the war and the plight of the hostages and

Rami Igra, the former head of Mossad’s Prisoners and MIA Division, discussed the ongoing hostage deal negotiations in an interview on Radio 103FM. Igra expressed great skepticism that a hostage

The heads of leading U.S. airlines want to meet with Boeing and hear the aircraft manufacturer’s strategy for fixing quality-control problems that have gained attention since a panel blew out

Attention Yeshiva, Mesivta, and Beis Medresh administrators and leaders! Look no further for an ideal setting to start or relocate your institution. We are thrilled to announce that 110 S.

Independent US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. voiced staunch support for Israel in a recent Reuters interview, calling it a “moral nation” that is justly responding to Hamas provocations

Doctors in Boston announced Thursday they have transplanted a pig kidney into a 62-year-old patient. Massachusetts General Hospital said it’s the first time a genetically modified pig kidney has been

Former President Donald Trump’s fundraising picked up last month, but his political operation is still struggling to catch up to President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party in money coming

Kerem Jabaren, a 19-year-old resident of Jenin affiliated with Islamic Jihad, was executed overnight Wednesday by his twin brother for allegedly collaborating with Israel and assisting with the IDF’s assassination

Three boys, ages 11, 12 and 16, and dubbed the “Little Rascals,” have been arrested for robbing a bank in Houston, authorities confirmed Wednesday. Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said

In a statement released on Thursday, the IDF announced the results of its four-day operation in Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza. The operation, which was carefully planned over a month,

“What a special maamad of kavod haTorah! Dirshu’s siyum yesterday was without precedent in our community! It was a maamad that made an impact on many hundreds of people, who

President Joe Biden’s top foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan sought to reassure Ukrainians during an unannounced visit to Kyiv Wednesday that the U.S. will continue to support their efforts to

The United States can expect a nice spring break from past too rainy or too dry extremes, federal meteorologists predicted Thursday. After some rough seasons of drought, flooding and fires,

Consumer prices in the United States picked up last month, a sign that inflation remains a persistent challenge for the Federal Reserve and for President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign, both

The chief executive of the cryptocurrency company Sam Bankman-Fried founded attacked the onetime crypto power player on Wednesday in a letter to a federal judge scheduled to sentence him next

This year, more than ever before, with the current difficult matzav for acheinu b’nei yisroel in general and B’nei Torah in particular, there is just so much negativity worldwide. We

It is hard to ignore the exciting ‘collecting’ brochures coming in the mail or found tucked away in the folds of a magazine. They display the most awesome-looking and enticing

In a tragic incident on Thursday morning, a Palestinian Ger Tzedek, Dovid ben Avraham Avinu, was killed by a reserve soldier who suspected him of being a terrorist. The incident

Congressional leaders from both parties looked to put a positive light on a $1.2 trillion spending package that lawmakers are working to approve before funding expires at midnight Friday for

In a bizarre incident on Wednesday, Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz wore a mask resembling Russian President Vladimir Putin while walking through the halls of the Capitol. The stunt was aimed

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