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Carl Rove: Newt Should Thank CNN’s John King For South Carolina Win

After Newt Gingrich was declared the winner of the South Carolina primary Saturday night, Karl Rove suggested that the candidate has CNN’s John King to thank for his victory in the Palmetto State.

“Taking on the media is always good in a Republican primary,” Rove said on Fox News. “John King couldn’t have set up the question in a more positive way for Gingrich to just nail it and haul it right out of the park.”

During Thursday’s CNN-sponsored GOP presidential debate, King had kicked off the event by directing his first question at the former House speaker, asking him about an interview with his ex-wife, Marianne, that had aired earlier in the day.

Gingrich responded by lacing into both CNN and the evening’s moderator, “I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.”

Rove suggested Saturday that debates will continue to be significant in shaping the GOP race as the candidates move on to Florida.

Romney “ought to use this as an opportunity to … explain Bain,” the Republican political strategist said when asked how the candidate should handle next week’s debates. “He also needs to point out Gingrich’s not conservative moments, like attacking Paul Ryan and the House Republican budget as being right wing social engineering.”

As for Gingrich, Rove said: “Newt needs to broaden this message of ‘He’s the Massachusetts moderate and I’m the conservative.’”

(Source: Politico)

6 Responses

  1. Attacking a politicians for a morals offense, especially one that happened a long time ago and most people consider irrelevant to whether he can do the job IS A DUMB IDEA, as the Newt probably understands very well since his attacks on President Clinton for such things backfired, and was part of the reason that Newt has been in retirement for the last 14 years.

  2. Akuperma, when did Gingrich ever attack Clinton for morals offenses? I was paying close attention and he never did any such thing. Clinton was impeached for actual crimes that he committed, crimes that other people go to prison for, not for his immoral behavior. And they did not happen a long time earlier, they happened just that year.

  3. bad comparison but what else is new. clinton was condemned for abusing the office of president and abusing people way above and beyond the norm of immorality and lying about it under oath for “witch” his dear “wife” said that there should be recriminations against him if the allegations were proven. something that was conveniently forgotten once they were proven

  4. i think John King asked newt the wrong question!! the question should have been as follows: Dear Newst after the story with ur ex-wife, why did u demand president Clinton to be impeached if u did the same thing ??? !!!!

  5. chosid, your question has already been answered. You are either ignorant or a liar, because Clinton was not impeached for his immoral behaviour but for his CRIMES. Gingrich has not committed any crimes, so there is no connection at all.

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