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How The Israeli Newspapers Covered The Levaya of The Sar Hatorah ZATZAL

The levaya of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l was the top story on nearly every newspaper Israel on Monday morning, regardless of whether the paper was geared toward the religious community.

Hamodia’s entire front page was covered with details from the levaya and mourning over the loss of the Sar HaTorah.

Yated Ne’eman distributed a free “mourning issue” of their paper, which solely covered the levaya and what gedolim had to say about the passing of Rav Chaim zt”l.

Ha’Mevaser devoted nearly their entire front page to the levaya, with just one article noting a Vizhnitz 10-year anniversary celebration.

Ha’Peles also covered the levaya as their top story, and called the Sar hatorah and the Gadol hador a “Gaon Adir”.

Another paper, Ha’Derech, the media outlet of the Shas party, proclaimed that thousands shouted, “Hashem Hu Ha’elokim” along with photos from the levaya.

Merkaz Ha’Inyanim, a free weekly paper, printed a full supplement to report on the levaya, with the headline “Yesomim Hayinu.”

Shacharit, another paper, devoted their front page to coverage of the levaya, including an obituary of the revered Rav Chaim zt”l.

Yediot Acharonot, considered the government’s mouthpiece, put the levaya as their top story, and devoted significant coverage to it.

Even Haaretz, a generally anti-charedi, left-wing paper, showed honor and deference to the late gadol hador.

Yisrael Hayom ran a front-page headline calling Rav Chaim zt”l an individual whose value equaled the totality of Israel.

And Maariv also covered the funeral, blaring a headline saying “Kavod Acharon” for the incalculable loss of the leader of a generation.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. I’m so glad that Maran Zatza”l (whos hasaga in gadlus we don’t even begin to imagine) has the haskama of the Israeli newspapers…

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