LISTEN: Michael Savage Slams Rabbi Haskel Lookstein & Liberal Rabbis Over Anti-Trump Comments

Nationally syndicated talk show host Michael Savage slammed Ivanka Trump’s Rabbi, Haskel Lookstein, after his synagogue issued a statement saying they are “deeply troubled” by President Donald Trump’s remarks after the Charlottesville tragedy.

Savage said “all of these liberal Jewish organizations are extremely left wing.”

He then quoted an article by a Chabad-affiliated Rabbi Yaakov Menken who had defended Trump.

“You see, I told you the Orthodox Jews are conservatives and rationalists and they see the truth,” Savage remarked.

Savage concluded by saying he is “so sick of these liberal organizations that pose as religious fronts.”

Savage said when religious groups of any religion issue statements, the only ones he trusts are the “truly religious,” and the rest are all “politicians.”

11 Responses

  1. yaakov doe

    So you are calling him a JEWISH anti-Semite? Wikipedia: > Savage was born Michael Alan Weiner in the Bronx, New York, one of three children of Benjamin and Rae Weiner, Jewish emigrants from Russia.

  2. All is nice and well that many times he shows the Jewish people in a good light, however rants such as displayed in this video, (which is on a very light tone compared to other “Jewish” rants) ruin any good that was said by him. I understand that sometimes he needs to “play both sides” (I assume) but there is a limit. Check youtube for anti-bris rants by savage. Even attacking Israel every now and then for example Trumps Syrian missile strike, he ranted how he’s tired of Israel manipulating “his” country and using the U.S. as their “dog” to do dirty work. That was enough for me. Also even though the left has evil an evil agenda, the other side isn’t better! Why do right wing orthodox Jews end up standing up for the other side? The white supremacists hate us even more than the left does! The right thing to do is to condemn both sides, not to choose one side over the other.

  3. rt

    I don’t know from where you get your information. I know nothing about Savage so I did an internet search. As far as I could find the only religious Jews he trashes are those who refuse to serve in the Israeli military and he never cowers to bullies who push “but the rabbi says” – he sticks with his own opinion and trashes anyone (yes, that includes rabbis) who disagrees. And of interest is a recording of a call-in segment uploaded to youtube in 2012. The caller was Reform and was complaining about his wife turning Orthodox (and she is turning the children to Orthodox) . To quote Savage :”I think your wife is doing the right thing … doing what she thinks she needs to do to bring the family closer to G-d”

  4. Warrior

    Savage shows up against metzizah bpeh (and that was after the herpes outbreak) and against the rabbi who literally cut off a baby’s entire membrane and had to be re-attached in the, hospital and the rabbi in question dug his heel in on how he is trained expert and will continue practicing.

    And yes, Savage was mad that Israeli intelligence (allegedly) gave Obama information that Assad was responsible for chemical attacks and obviously that would corner Obama. And even I don’t understand what the point was of Israel doing such a thing and risking the consequence of bringing the current situation.

  5. Georgeg

    Whos talking about obama? I mentioned Trumps missile strikes, savage assumed Israel was pulling the strings.
    You obviously dont have enough knowledge about the michael savage show. He attacked the whole custom of bris milah calling it barbaric and that it should be abolished. I remember many Jewish listeners being upset at the time and calling for getting him off the air. How big was the herpes breakout? Werent there only like 2 cases out of thousands of bris milah? Noone is saying that if there were bad cases that occured, we should be silent about them. But there is a way and a place to talk about sensitive issues such as this and on a big radio show is certainly not the right place. It caused a tremendous chilul Hashem and made it sound like this happens at every bris milah and strengthened anti jewish views. It totally got out of hand and I’m sure he lost many listeners at least for a good while if not permanently.

  6. Just an example, he made fun of kashrus. I’ve heard him, and don’t listen to him anymore. Some people will defend anyone for anything.

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