TRUMP UNLOADS: Calls Kamala Harris “Mad Woman”, Blasts AOC, Calls left “Crazy”

President Trump blasted Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo.

On Kamela Harris Trump said “And now, you have — a sort of — a mad woman, I call her, because she was so angry and — such hatred with Justice Kavanaugh. I mean, I’ve never seen anything like it. She was the angriest of the group and they were all angry. … These are seriously ill people.”

On AOC Trump said “AOC was a poor student. I mean, I won’t say where she went to school, it doesn’t matter. This is not even a smart person other than she’s got a good line of stuff. I mean, she goes out and she yaps.”

On Pelosi trump said: “I believe we’re going to take back the House because Nancy Pelosi is stone cold crazy.”

20 Responses

  1. Kamala Harris is a well-born (both parents are academics) member of the elite. While passing herself off as African American, she is the child of successful immigrants (one from the West Indies, the other from South Asia). For a Democrat, her views are moderate (okay, that’s like saying that for a marsupial, a kangaroo’s anatomy is normal).

    If Trump insists on throwing insults and failing to defend his policies, and attack the Democrat’s platform he will fail to be reelected and the country will be stuck with a government dominated by left-wing fanatics, many of whom are inclined to tolerate anti-semitism, especially if aimed at religious Jews.

  2. His performance yesterday was reminiscent of Jack Nicholson’s academy award performance in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest where he walks around screaming to anyone who will listen that there are some “real crazy people in here”. Almost as good has his prior day performance calling Sen Harris “nasty” in the same sentence he used a racist slur against Sen Warren. Great comic performance if you need distraction from the realities of the tragedies playing out around many areas of the country.

  3. Calls Kamala Harris “Mad Woman” I so emphatically & strongly agree, and therefore shall definitely be voting for President Donald Trump, because I have a long standing policy of never voting for Mad people.

  4. Real smart. Glad our president has so much spare time during this public health and economic crisis to come up with cute nicknames and bash AOC (who by the way, isn’t even in the presidential race)

  5. Not clear what news in this article. Mr. Trump calls Ms. Harris “nasty” but he himself has called, and continues to call, his political enemies all kinds of names. I don’t know if AOC was a good student, but Mr. Trump will not allow the release of his own student record. We should be fair in scrutinizing our leaders.

    He calls Biden and Harris “radical left” – I thought they were moderates. Am I missing something?

    What is the verdict on how the current President has managed the COVID pandemic? We should simply asking ourselves is the current leadership competent?

  6. Today, the Left is insane. Even though I voted for a Democratic Party Governor in 2012, but I didn’t vote for Obama (or any pres. candidate that election). I proudly voted for Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote for a single Democract that year!!

  7. “He calls Biden and Harris “radical ” – I thought they were moderates.”

    They are. The actual radical left has been spewing venom at them that is as bad as the venom that Trump is spewing.

    If you are hated both by the radical right Trump and the radical left Sanders campaign staff, you are probably in the right place politically. Remember Rambam’s mandate to follow the Middle Path. As another commenter noted, though, Harris was sufficiently conservative that Donald and Ivanka Trump both contributed to her campaign for re-election as California Attorney General. This despite the fact that there was a strong Republican in the race who probably would have been a decent AG.

    “is the current leadership competent?”


  8. This from a man that slept with a porn star a few days after his third wife had his 5th child then had his lawyer pay her off, take the blame, go to jail for it ……….that sounds especially nasty. So many more examples. Trump is the nasty one and an embarrassment to America and to all those who continue to support and enable him and as he tries to dismantle our democracy. Vote blue all the way

  9. bunch of shotim, say thank you to Hashem for sending such a good president with some commen sense thats using it to make some normal laws in america, you guys are the reason why democraps are in power, they are the biggest anti semites , as we can clearly see in the last few months. TRUMP 2020

  10. Not a single appellation bestowed by President Trump on anyone even begins to sink anywhere near as low as “Deplorable” which we were knighted with by Hillary Clinton, who urgently needs to be locked up.

  11. Anyone who thinks Kamala Harris is a moderate must be so far to the left that Lenin, Mao, and Trotsky are almost in sight. To any normal person she is a hard radical leftist. There is nothing even slightly moderate about her.

    The crazy left is upset at her only because she was a prosecutor, and they are now officially pro-crime. But being against crime does not make someone a moderate.

    Kamala Harris lashed into Biden because he dared to oppose busing! Busing was an idea so far to the left that even Biden opposed it, but she champions it. Some “moderate”.

    Kamala Harris is so far left that her ACU rating is 0. Even Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer got 5%, and even Elizabeth Warren got 3%, but Harris got a big fat 0. Some “moderate”.

  12. charliehall, Harris’s comes from the family of wealthy plantation owners from Jamaica who owned 200+ slaves on fife plantations. You should be ashamed of yourself that you attended racist “all white elementary school”

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