WILL TRUMP CONCEDE? Biden Leads In AZ, PA, GA, NV, Secret Service Deployed To Biden Home [LATEST NUMBERS UPDATED 2:00PM ET]

Democratic nominee Joe Biden steadily gained ground on President Trump in both Pennsylvania and Georgia as more mail votes were counted Thursday and overnight into Friday, inching the former vice president closer to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

In Georgia and Pennsylvania specifically, Biden now leads. Though with a razor-thin margin there, the Georgia secretary of state Friday said he expects a recount.

Biden sits at 264 electoral votes in states where races have been called while Trump has 214 in called races.

Biden needs just one win in any of the swing states with races that have not yet been called — Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia — while Trump would need to win all four of those states plus Alaska, which he is expected win but is too early to call because of a lack of votes reported.



Trump continue to accuse Democrats of trying to “steal” the election in remarks he made from the White House.

President Trump says Americans deserve ‘full transparency’, all legal ballots ‘must be counted’ and he’ll never give up ‘fighting’ for America.

Statement from President Trump: “We believe the American people deserve to have full transparency into all vote counting and election certification, and that this is no longer about any single election. This is about the integrity of our entire election process. From the beginning we have said that all legal ballots must be counted and all illegal ballots should not be counted, yet we’ve met resistance for this basic principle by Democrats at every turn. We will pursue this process through every aspect of the law to guarantee the American people have confidence in our government. I will never give up fighting for you and our nation.”

Meanwhile, Per Fox News’ John Roberts: President Trump currently has no plans to concede. Fox is told his advisors have been giving him advice in both directions. Some believe a concession is the correct thing to do – others believe he needs to fight to ensure the vote was correct.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. FAKE NEWS!!! YWN are you losing it?

    NOT 1 Trump advisor told him or would tell him to concede!!!! You know it, we know it!!!!

    The massive fraud that went on this election by the Democrats must be fought all the way to arrest and prosecution.

  2. Biden has had Secret Service protection for a while. The policy of providing protection for candidates dates back to when Robert Kennedy was shot while campaigning.

  3. Trump caused his own demise. By making a tumult about mail in voting, the Post Office was forced to step up and deliver.
    Normally, for the few years first class mail can often take a week or more to get delivered; bulk mail often never gets delivered. Had the post Office maintained its usual unreliable service of the past few years a significant number of those ballots would never have been post marked or delivered on time and Trump would have won.

  4. NO HE SHOULD ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NOT CONCEDE! WHAT KIND OF STUPID ADVICE IS THAT?!? We had a roaring economy for three years. no one come unless you’re a leftist Democrat is interested in going back to the dismal Obama years.

    It’s abundantly clear that there’s been a lot of fraud that has gone on. The Democrats tried this in 2016 and almost got away with it. So far in 2020 they are getting away with it. This is horrendous for our country. The legal votes should be counted and the illegal votes should not be. It’s a very simple thing. Hopefully over the next few weeks there will be enough people to be able to go through and determine what is legal and what is not.

    We already have at least three or four post office employees acting as whistleblowers who have been in touch with project veritas about the back dating of ballots. This is something that needs to be investigated. we also know about shenanigans at the place in Michigan. We know about the miscount by the machines in Michigan. There were 32 locations that had this same type of machine.

    We know about the ongoings in Pennsylvania, where they didn’t allow the watchers to come in to watch the ballots being counted. Tell me there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Where were all these people in 2000 when it took 32 days for them to figure it out. The reason is because Al Gore, the Democrat, was contesting it and that was okay.


  5. Additionally, more reasons he shouldn’t concede is because a number of the states are within their recount limits. They doing automatic recount. Why should he concede an election if there’s an automatic recount? That’s insane!

    Do you know that many times states flip as part of recounts? It gave the president additional Electoral College votes!!!

  6. I think he will concede like a staesman within a few days. For now, he has to show loyalty to his followers and that he “went down fighting”. However, he is aware that a large percentage of his support came from those who hated his personal behavior and only voted for him because they liked some of his policies. If he were to engage in post-election denial andbecome the first President literally dragged down the WH driveway on January 20th by Federal marshals crying and screaming, his entire legacy will be destroyed. Thus, he will continue to wage battle for another few days and then step back and become the leader of the very loud and Trumpian opposition.

  7. split the USA into 2 countries, the Red US and the Blue the Union, we can’t live together anymore, “Democracy is dead killed by the Dems! the president should announce the brake up ASAP”

  8. some takeaways
    1. as yidden we know that most of the world is off, in their thinking & deeds so the odds were & are always stacked against ” correct” . our kiyum has always been rabim byad meatim… tmeim byad tehorim…
    2.TRUMP did way better than most expected .. and getting the judge confirmed is huge.. i dont think he wouldve done better against a diff candidate
    3. contesting .. frustrating tweets.. is all understandable the wound is fresh ..& deep cut him or any candidate some slack … shiva is not even over yet
    4. no matter what half the country wouldve been defeated
    5. trump can still do some more good in these last weeks till hes done & i believe can stay a dominant force & in the game from the sidelines
    6. hashem hu hoelokim- is it possible we werent zoche? & or is the mesg ain lanu lehishoen ele al avichoh shebashomayim
    shabbos shholom umevorach

  9. Will Trump concede? Yes. When pigs fly. (And since the readers of this site religiously keep kosher and may not know much about pigs, they cannot fly and never will.)

  10. Didn’t Clinton and Biden both say that every vote must be counted and don’t concede untill then? Has the media forgotten? Has Biden forgotten?

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