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YWN Video Page Updated

video.jpgMake sure to check out the YWN Video Feature, which has recently been updated with video from: Agudath Israel Dinner; Kever of Shmuel HaNavi on his Yartzheit; Mayor Bloomberg & NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly visiting Crown Heights; Salute to Israel Parade in Manhattan (Rav Shlomo Amar with NJ Governor Corzine & NY Governor Paterson); Annual Met Council Breakfast (including speeches by Governor Paterson, Mayor Bloomberg NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson); the IDF engaging rioting Arabs near the Security fence; a VERY proud YWN reader from Eretz Yisroel; Arab climbs the “Chefziba crane” in protest, and many others.

Additionally, many others will be added in the near future, so make sure to check the YWN Video Feature page daily!

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