Get Answers to Your Health Questions

The words How Do You Feel and question mark in blue and white 3D letters asking what your opinion or emotions are on a given topic or important issue

While worrying about whether or not you have Covid-19 has been at the forefront of our minds for quite some time, it is not the only health concern many of us have.


In fact, there is a range of health topics that we believe should be discussed more! Because this one virus is actually not the only thing that can risk our wellbeing and livelihood.


We should all care about our health—but it is important to remember there are numerous components that contribute to this. There is our diet. Our exercise. Our habits. Our hereditary conditions. The list honestly goes on and on.


So when it comes to caring about our health, we should be taking a holistic look at evaluating both where our health status currently lies, what can be done to enhance our health and how to even lower the risk of certain health issues arising.


That is why we have rounded up the top health questions that are non-Covid-19 related and given you some of our top tips on how to enhance your health in every aspect of your life.


1. How do you treat fibromyalgia?

If you are someone that suffers from constant muscle pain, fatigue and even numbness in your fingers and toes, then you could potentially be suffering from fibromyalgia. At first, this disease makes your muscles and bones hurt—as it first attacks your nervous system. But it can also take cover behind a range of other illnesses like arthritis, which is why often fibromyalgia takes a while to diagnose properly. This is caused by a range of factors that can include your genetics, infections, stress and even trauma. The good news though, is that there are options when it comes to fibromyalgia treatment, so you don’t have to suffer for the rest of your life. Ways to treat fibromyalgia include taking probiotics as part of your daily dietary intake, trying magnesium supplements, enhancing your stress management through yoga or therapy and even using topical treatments for instant relief. So if you think you suffer from fibromyalgia, get in touch with your doctor and come up with a game plan!


2. Are CBD products safe to use?

Over the last few years, CBD products have become one of the newest trends in the health and wellness industry. That is because there has been a range of ways in which hemp and CBD can benefit your overall health and wellbeing—from mediating pain and soreness to preventing inflammation. The best CBD products are found on, which sell a range of wellness products that use hemp as the core ingredient in the formulas, mixed with other sustainable ingredients for topical, skincare and any other type of wellness product. With so many success stories from people from all walks of life, why not incorporate CBD products into your life to enhance your wellbeing too?


3. How can you enhance your gaming performance in a healthy way?

One of the most commonly asked questions since the pandemic even began was how healthy is gaming on caffeine? Often, the cliché stereotype for hard-core gamers includes a headset, decked out gaming station and a line-up of energy drinks or caffeine shots. This is because the stimulants from caffeine help them stay alert and focused for hours on end and perform to their full potential at every hour of the night. But like all things, limitations are key. Too much caffeine can send your body into overdrive and give you the jitters and even decrease your quality of sleep. So if you are a gamer who wants to keep their sharpness but doesn’t want to rely on caffeine or risk the side effects, a great alternative is the MitoQ supplement, which basically produces the same results of alertness and high energy but in a much more natural way—by encouraging your own mitochondria to sharpen your brain’s alertness. This is great news for gamers wanting to have a healthier way of winning online.


4. How can I increase my testosterone levels?

This is one of the most commonly asked health questions amongst males—because their testosterone levels can impact their very identity. They need the right amount of testosterone to perform athletically, perform in bed and feel like a man. So what should they do when their testosterone levels aren’t quite right or they are wanting a booster to get stronger both at the gym and in the bedroom? A great way to do this is by ordering testosterone boosting formulas from, which provide a solution for regaining confidence, energy and overall wellness. Adding it into your daily diet is easy and the results are life-changing!


5. Top ways to help my cat?

Your pet cat is likely one of the biggest sources of joy for you, and pet wellness is just as important as human wellness. So what should you do if your cat is experiencing bone or muscle pain and doesn’t have the same hop in its step as it used to? There is a range of cat cbd products that are designed to give them a pain-free life. Hemp tinctures and balm for your cat is designed specifically with them in mind and can provide them with a pain-free solution through natural ingredients provided by CBD. Improving your cat’s wellbeing will also improve your own wellbeing—so it is a worthwhile investment so you can continue to share the world with them.


6. Tips for living with diabetes?

If you are someone who is living with diabetes, you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, there are innovative companies who are changing the way diabetes can both look and feel for you, with products designed to hold your medical supplies in the most fashionable way possible. They help you organize your diabetes routine, connect with others in the community who also suffer from this and conquer each day without letting your illness define you. With fashionable options for wallets, insulin vial protectors, travel cases and even blankets to cuddle up in when you aren’t feeling your best, you can learn to live with this disease in style.


7. Should I take birth control?

This one is for the ladies and something that likely every female has wondered about at some point in their life. Taking birth control is a very personal decision and can be consumed for a range of reasons. So if you are someone that is wanting to take control of your sex life and keep yourself protected, signing up for online prescriptions from licensed pharmacies and doctors is a great way to go. Not only will they be delivered to you for free, but will be absolutely free of charge for those with health insurance. If you are considering taking birth control, schedule a time to discuss with your doctor or medical professional, sign up online for a subscription, get recommended the right pills for you and enjoy fast delivery to your door every time you need it.


Our health should always be our prioirtiy and there is no such thing as a silly question when it concerns your health. So know that no matter what concern you may have about your health, there is an easy way to both find out more and get solutions to help you live a healthier life!  

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