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TRIPLE VAXXED: Trump Shuts Down Hecklers After Saying He Received Vaccine Booster Shot [VIDEO]

Former President Donald Trump said Sunday that he has received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine plus a booster shot – making fully vaccinated by any definition.

During a joint speaking tour with Bill O’Reilly in Dallas, the former Fox News anchor asked Trump if he had received a booster shot.

“Yes,” Trump replied, prompting some in the crowd to start booing, though Trump waved them off.

Trump had just finished remarks regarding his Operation Warp Speed, which resulted in the fastest development of a vaccine in history.

“Look, we did something that was historic. We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide – we, all of us, not me, we” Trump said. “We got a vaccine done – three vaccines done – and tremendous therapeutics like Regeneron… that have saved a lot of lives.”

“We got a vaccine done in less than 9 months – it was supposed to take from 5 to 12 years… I think this would have been the Spanish Flu of 1917 where up to 100 million died,” Trump added. “Take credit for it. What we’ve done is historic. Don’t let them take it away.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. In fact there’s nobody more triple vaxxed in the world than Donald Joseph Trump! He’s the most triple vaxxed on the planet! He’s even more triple vaxxed than the astronauts on ISS.

  2. Actually he had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine, which was a triumph of free market capitalism, globalization, and immigration, all of which he passionately hates. Typical that he would try to steal credit. The biggest credit goes to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, a Jewish immigrant from Greece whose parents somehow survived the Nazis. (Note that Pfizer’s world HQ is diredtly across the street from the Israeli Consulate in NYC and that Pfizer sent huge numbers of vaccines to Israel as soon as the clinical trials were complete, saving thousands of Jewish lives.)

    But Trump does get credit for financing the development of the Moderna and J&J vaccines. That is a big deal. Moderna had never brought a drug ot market and would never have been able to carry out the clinical trials in a timely manner. (This also shows the “Big Pharma” conspiracy theory is a deadly lie.) Would that Trump’s Cult would listen to him and get vaccinated. He probably also realizes that his supporters are collectively committing suicide and if enough of them don’t come to their senses he has no chance of getting himself or his supporters elected.

  3. the truth is, that having mass rallies with no social distancing and no masks, resulted in the death of at least 500,000 Americans. I personally hold the orange-haired putz responsible – no matter what lies he spews forth.

  4. A few months ago I heard him making fun of the booster. But I’m glad he’s saying the truth now. Unfortunately many others by the time they realized, it was too late.

  5. Maybe he’s scared that if he doesn’t stop misleading people about the vaccine there won’t be enough living people to make him win the election.

  6. Trump does deserve credit for the vaccine, and it is indeed a good thing that it’s available. Those who need it the most can get it, and we should be happy about that. But that doesn’t mean everyone must get it. The down side of the speedy process Trump ordered is that we won’t know about any long-term effects for several years. That’s OK, we didn’t have time to wait for it. But those who choose to wait should have their right to do so respected.

    Also, while the process worked, it didn’t work as well as we had hoped. It turns out the mRNA technique, which should work in theory, still needs work to make it work in practice. The vaccine is not everything it should be, which is why we have all these boosters. That wasn’t the plan. And its inability to fight odd variants like Omicron was also not the plan. That’s not Trump’s fault, but it’s a fact. So he deserves credit, but only two cheers rather than the full three.

  7. Trump had just finished remarks regarding his Operation Warp Speed Thank you so much President Donald Trump, and we shall for ever be indebted to you for this wonderful חסד, and you definitely have our vote come 2024, and even now you President Donald are still my President & definitely not sleepy joe who definitely stole the election from you President Donald Trump.

  8. Milhouse we need the vaccine for the same reason as many were re-infected with Covid after catching it once. It’s because the pattern of this disease is that it’s both more contagious and immunity didn’t last as long as (fort instance) flu. Plus much more deadly r”l.

  9. @Yaapchik

    His name is Donald JOHN Trump. It’s always better to refer to people by their actual names.


    He was never anti immigration. He wanted people to immigrate, not infiltrate. Illegal immigrants aren’t tested for anything.

  10. The lunatics at Fox News are chagrined by G-d’s Earthly Representative (Trump) having gotten the vaccine, booster, etc. Their hatred for sleepy Joe “forces” them continue opposing anything and everything Joe Biden says or does. But, G-d’s incarnation on earth has them “Out-Foxed.”

  11. “the mRNA technique, which should work in theory, still needs work to make it work in practice”

    In fact it works spectacularly well.

    “That wasn’t the plan.”

    The plan was to get something out as quickly as possible that would stop people from dying. And that happened. If you knew anything about viruses it is that you can’t predict the rate of mutations or what the new variants do as they evolve. (And yes, they evolve.) Show some gratitude to the scientists whom HaShem sent us to stop the plague.

    ” why we have all these boosters”

    We have boosters for other vaccines. And there are numerous diseases for which even getting the disease does not make you immune, such as mumps and tetanus. The polio and pertussis vaccines currently given in the US do not give everyone complete immunity, and neither does the tuberculosis vaccine which isn’t routinely given in the US.

    “sleepy joe who definitely stole the election from you”

    Repeating a lie does not make it true. No matter how many times you repeat it.

    “The lunatics at Fox News are chagrined by G-d’s Earthly Representative (Trump) having gotten the vaccine, booster, etc.”

    The lunatics at Fox have all been vaccinated. Their employer mandates it.

    “what about all the people dead r”l because of it?”

    The dead people are because they refused the vaccine rather than getting vaccinated. Some even contracted the disease at Trump rallies. The good news is that the recent rallies have been sparsely attended so there may be fewer getting infected.

    “He wanted people to immigrate”

    Not true. He had his advisors come up with a proposal that would have cut legal immigration by half or even more. In addition, the government would take over the visa process completely, preventing businesses or families from petitioning for their relatives. 1924 all over again. Trump and his henchman Stephen Miller are nativist bigots.

  12. thanks G-D his administration was involved with “warp speed” development of this vaccine and he loudly takes credit for it, so he can’t be against it

    if it was a different administration and a different president he’d be proclaiming loudly everywhere how dangerous the vaccine is and how NOBODY should take it, leading to untold deaths..

    it all about him and him alone

  13. “if it was a different administration and a different president he’d be proclaiming loudly everywhere how dangerous the vaccine is and how NOBODY should take it, leading to untold deaths..

    it all about him and him alone“

    Sound like what some people on the left (joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi) before Biden was declared president

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