HEARTWARMING: Flatbush Parent Donates $300,000 to Child’s Teachers as a Pesach Bonus

A generous Flatbush parent made his mark on the lives of teachers at Masores Bais Yaakov this Pesach, donating a whopping $300,000 for teacher bonuses at the school.

The individual, who has requested anonymity, included a beautiful and heartfelt letter with his donation, writing: “If you ever wondered if you made a difference in the lives of your students, the answer is absolutely YES!!”

The philanthropist went on to thank the teachers for their dedication, the time and effort they invest to ensure the success of every student, and for imparting “beautiful values and being a proper role model for middos tovos and proper hashkafa.”

The donor noted that with skyrocketing inflation affecting everyone’s finances, teachers and rebbeim are particularly being hit hard, thus necessitating people to step up to the plate if they have the means to do so.

The generous contribution to teachers’ bonuses comes shortly after V’Romamtanu, a small organization in Lakewood, partnered with every Lakewood girls school to raise $1.4 million in order to give a $500 bonus to each full-time teachers, and a smaller but still significant sum to part-time teachers.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. $300,000 is enough to get an unqualified kid into Stanford or an Ivy League college. I wonder what this donor is looking for.

  2. It would be nice to know how much each teacher received….

    There was a big deal made of the 1.4 million raised for lakewood
    teachers….but it seems the max any teacher received was $500
    and the part time teachers received ” a smaller but still significant sum”
    Get real ….$500 is definitely more than nothing but it is a mere drop
    in the bucket for the teachers….
    We should pay them a fair wage and not make them into shnorrers and
    then make ourselves feel good when we give them a $500 bonus….
    Nobody would be happy with that type of bonus ….

  3. Brother Joe you’re being unfair. Yes teachers and rebbeim should be paid more. People paying full tuition are the exception. Most people are getting by on scholarships/tuition breaks. How are you proposing the teachers get raises??

    Furthermore, for someone living paycheck to paycheck 500 dollars is a lot of money.

    Lastly 300k for one school divided by at most 100 to teachers and rebbeim is 3k each. That’s a significant bonus.

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