HE DID WHAT? Jared Kushner Says Chief of Staff John Kelly Shoved Ivanka

In his upcoming memoir, Jared Kushner alleges that former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly “shoved” his wife, Ivanka Trump, after a contentious meeting.

Kushner says Kelly exhibited multiple personalities over the meeting, flashes of unrestrained anger, and says that Kelly was “consistently duplicitous.”

“One day he had just marched out of a contentious meeting in the Oval Office,” Kushner writes in his book. “Ivanka was walking down the main hallway in the West Wing when she passed him. Unaware of his heated state of mind, she said, ‘Hello, chief.’ Kelly shoved her out of the way and stormed by. She wasn’t hurt, and didn’t make a big deal about the altercation, but in his rage Kelly had shown his true character.”

The book says that Kelly later visited Ivanka and offered an apology, which she accepted.

Asked by the Washington Post about the allegations, Kelly said, “I don’t recall anything like you describe.”

“It is inconceivable that I would EVER shove a woman. Inconceivable,” Kelly added. “Would never intentionally do something like that. Also, don’t remember ever apologizing to her for something I didn’t do. I’d remember that.”

Kelly served as Trump’s chief of staff from 2017 to 2019 before being replaced by Mark Meadows.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The knives have been out for Gen. Kelly for a long time. As the new Chief of Staff, he tried bring some order to Trump’s Oval Office that thrived on chaos. He tried to be the gatekeeper to Trump and requiring all senior staff and cabinet officials to make appointments through him and clear all the paper getting to Trump. Needless to say, you can’t tell Trump’s kids to “make appointments” to see Daddy. The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back were his facial expressions of disgust in the background of the podium when Trump was giving his infamous “there were good people on both sides” after the Nazis and White supremacists demonstrated in Charlottesville.
    Having said that, I very much doubt the veracity of Kushner’s allegations. We would have heard about it before if there was any truth to it.

  2. Trump fired more people as President than he did on the “Apprentice.” He appointed the “best people” who, he suddenly realized, were the “worst people.” But, after all, he possesses a truly brilliant mind superior to that of any of his predecessors. What utter nonsense!

  3. @katan

    Trump said that line (which u are taking out of context- watch the whole video) before he was elected president…..

  4. “women should not be running or working for public office..
    Baby Squirrel: And childish dimwits should not be out trolling on grownup social media sites. Go back to gathering nuts…its going to be a long winter.

  5. Dorah,

    You, who “very much doubt the veracity of Kushner’s allegations” constantly fill this site with every falsehood, deflection and obfuscation to cover for Brainless Brandon and his pack of incompetent, and often anti-Semitic puppet masters.

    You have some nerve publicly calling another Jew a liar and unless you find some way to apologize to him, Yom Kippur won’t atone for it.

  6. fired people? As opposite to current admin, where same people who failed before continue making bad decisions. Catch up on halakhos teshuva or business books on “turn around”

  7. Gadolhadorah, I know that it’s not the main point of your comment, but you do realize that the “infamous” speech in Charlottesville is one of the most thoroughly debunked hoaxes in recent memory, right?
    The president specifically said he wasn’t referring to Nazis and white supremacists. His critics consistently leave that part out.
    His exact words,
    “…and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

  8. dear baby squirel, do you think they are in it for tzenius or what?
    Who cares about such trivial content anyway?

  9. GHD lies again: ‘Trump was giving his infamous “there were good people on both sides” after the Nazis and White supremacists demonstrated in Charlottesville.’

    The plain facts are that: The right-wing rally in Charlottesville was primarily NOT “nazis and white supremacists”. You didn’t do it this time, but in the past you have deliberately lied by conflating the rally with a completely unrelated event the previous evening, in which neo-nazis marched to a reform temple and shouted antisemitic slogans. Trump has never referred to that march, and has certainly never suggested there were good people among the marchers.

    There were some of those kinds present at the rally too, but they were outnumbered by the left-wing thugs and criminals on the other side. And it was the rally that had a permit, and was completely peaceful until the left-wingers, who had no permit and were blocking the streets illegally, viciously attacked it, and the police were under orders to allow them to do so and not prevent them. That is when people at the rally, perhaps including, but certainly not limited to the white supremacists, defended themselves. Even nazis have the right to demonstrate in peace and not to be attacked, and to defend themselves if they are.

    So if there were good people only on one side, that would be the rally. But Trump was honest enough to acknowledge that there were good people in the counter-demonstration too. Some, at least. The girl who was killed by a car seems to have been a good person. And there were surely more.

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