HEROIC: Sen. John Fetterman Gives Rousing Defense Of Israel, Slams Genocide Accusations [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

At a luncheon hosted by the Orthodox Union on Wednesday, Senator John Fetterman delivered a powerful defense of Israel in light of the accusations of genocide prior to a hearing at the International Court of Justice.

“Who are we? Who are they really fighting? It’s a group of cowards,” Fetterman said of Hamas. “They hide in tunnels. They hide behind civilians. They attack, kill, and usually children murder. And they do that. Stop talking about proportion on that. They shot their best shot on October 7th, and they would have taken more lives if they could’ve done that.”

“But they couldn’t do it. And now let’s also talk about that. Now we’re talking about genocide. And now South Africa is now bringing that kind of a trial. Maybe South Africa, maybe ought to sit this one out where they’re talking about criticizing, given the history there. Sit it out,” Fetterman added.

Fetterman, known for his recent critiques of the progressive wing of his party, also commented on pro-Palestinian protests in the U.S., questioning their focus and calling for attention to the actions of Hamas. “Protests all around the nation, they’re blocking tunnels. They’re blocking roads. Why? Why aren’t they protesting? When will we get the hostages back home? Why aren’t they protesting Hamas? Why aren’t they protesting systemic rape and torture of Israeli women and children? I will never get it.”

Concluding his speech, Fetterman stated, “Hamas is anathema to peace. We’ll never have a stable two-state solution. We will never have any peace for Israel until they are fully eliminated.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Kol haKavod to Senator Fetterman, but it’s a sad statement that basic decency and truth-telling.is.now.considered “heroic”. It.should be the norm, not.the.exception.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. Hats off to Fetterman! But I’ve been wondering. I don’t remember hearing from Trump about the current situation in the Mid East at all. Has he said anything? Certainly not much, since I really keep on top of the news. What’s up with that?

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