LAKEWOOD: Levaya Of Longtime Askan R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski z”l, one of Lakewood’s earliest and most prolific askanim, who helped set the foundation for the town to become a thriving makom torah. He was 80 years old.

In addition to his work with the local, county, state and federal governments for more than 40 years, R’ Yisroel was also a key factor behind the growth of Torah in the township, including by founding the Bais Kaila girls school.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 4:30 PM on Tuesday afternoon at BMG’s Bais Yitzchok bais medrash, with kevurah in Eretz Yisroel.


R’ Yisroel’s tireless efforts touched every aspect of the community, from education to emergency services, law enforcement, and government. Through unwavering dedication, R’ Yisroel formed strong relationships with officials across the state, earning respect and recognition far and wide. One of his most notable achievements was the implementation of virtual autopsies in Ocean County, a project that ensured kavod hameis in tragic circumstances.

He was also known in Hatzolah as “Dispatch 1”, as he manned the phone lines for Hatzolah on the overnights every single day for around 25 years.

R’ Yisroel’s connections in the political arena enabled him to work effectively with local, county, and state officials to address tzorchei tzibbur, and his influence was instrumental in shaping Lakewood into the thriving kehilla it is today.

Thanks to R’ Yisroel’s selfless work, phone calls to state departments are met with respect and prompt attention.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…


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