Chizuk For The Days Of Chanukah Rosh Hayeshiva Rav M’H Hirsch In A Visit To Be Mechazek The Yeshiva Gedolah “Ateres Shlomo”

In honor of Chanukah and the extra efforts that the talmidim took upon themselves to learn with ever greater strength and hasmada, the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlit’a paid a visit to the yeshiva to encourage their continued strength and efforts in Torah learning. This is particularly appropriate during these days as we remember the Yevanim who tried to make us forget the Torah, chas ve’shalom.

The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlit’a arrived on Tuesday night, the seventh night of Chanukah and was greeted with great honor. At first, the Rosh Hayeshiva  visited the office of the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Sholom Ber Sorozkin Shlit’a where they sat together speaking divrei Torah about Chanukah and other important matters concerning the yeshiva.

Then the Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin Shlit’a accompanied Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch Shilt’a into the Heichal Hayeshiva where he was greeted by more than one thousand talmidim who stood as one in the Torah’s honor.

The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlit’a inspired the talmidim about the miracle of the “pach shemen”. “We must learn from this, ” he said “that there is hashgacha pratis and everything is from Hashem. Every step we take is from Hakadosh Boruch Hu. We must live with fear of Heaven, to live with the Torah in every din and halacha.”

The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlit’a strengthened the young men to face the difficult trials of this generation. “Today, there are so many nisyonos, and we must remember that Hakadosh Boruch Hu is with us in our trials. We must draw closer to Him, by learning Torah and doing mitzvos. This way we will succeed in overcoming the trials that exist today.”

The Rosh Hayeshiva bentched the bochurim and added that in the zechus of their chizuk in Torah during the days of Chanukah they should be zoche to true torah and yiras shamayim, and through this to bring the “geula shleimah” amen.

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