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JUST IN: Head of Fund Invested in Madoff Said to Commit Suicide

madofn1.jpgThierry Magon de La Villehuchet, who ran the hedge fund “Access International Advisors” that invested with Bernard Madoff, was found dead at his Madison Avenue office today. An NYPD officer at the scene said the death appeared to be a suicide.

De la Villehuchet, 65, was a founding partner and chief executive officer of Access International Advisors, according to a marketing document. Access invested $1.4 billion with Madoff, who was arrested on Dec. 11 for allegedly running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme.

Access’s LUXALPHA SICAV-American Selection invested solely with Madoff. Access said last week that it was working with lawyers to assess the situation. No one answered the phone of the French hedge fund when Bloomberg called it today.

(Source: NY Times / Bloomberg)

42 Responses

  1. how sad. It was bound to happen. There are probably many out there who lost so much at no fault of their own. It is so hard to catch a thief when he intentionally steals from you especially if he is someone who is reputable and one you trust. Many innocent victims here (as much as others may feel they are to blame for not doing enough research)and the pressures probably to difficult to handle for the one who lost so much of anothers money. Feel bad for the guy and his family.

  2. This is reminiscent of the Great Depression. A lot of people killed themselves based on massive failures in the markets. Sometimes they still had considerable wealth but the sense of loss or shame or failure was too much to handle. We are living in times that try the souls of men. May Hashem grant mercy on all.

  3. Megalgilim zchus al yidai chaiv… It’s time for YU to drop the “Yeshiva” out of it’s name. It tarnishes the name of true Yeshivos.

  4. Ironic, you just fulfilled your daily Chiuv (obligation) of bashing YU. YU was one of the victims of Madoff, not his teacher. Are we going to delegitimize every Yeshiva when one of its supporters turns out to have engaged in illegal activities? YU is at the forefront teaching Jewish boys that they have an actual obligation to learn an honest way of making a living.

  5. #9 “YU is at the forefront teaching Jewish boys that they have an actual obligation to learn an honest way of making a living.”


    Try to get what I’m saying! I am not criticizing a community, as I mentioned; Lo Alainu we all do aveiros – no doubt – ain tsadik ba’arets asher yaase tov vilo yechta and Lo Alainu even big ones – what I’m advocating here is that to title such a University that INVITES _ _ _ to it’s campuses and student body and employs_ _ _with the name “yeshiva” is a downright terrible chutzpah, it tarnishes the name of other GOOD yeshivas and most importantly IT IS A COLOSSAL CHILUL HASHEM.

    Other Gedolim have echoed this in the past, and to remain silent may even be a bigger chilul hashem.

    Title it whatever you want but keep the name Yeshiva disassociated and out of it!

  6. This is the result of people who’s value and existance is all about the almighty dollar. at least we can fall back on a blatt gemora.

  7. It is a characteristic of many secular people (and perhaps even some frum ones, though none I’ve ever met), to believe that being poor is a fate worse than death. Given that they have only one world to take into account, it is understandable how their failure in what is to them the only world, leads to seeing life as meaningless, whereas a Yid would only notice that he’s merely stuck in a messy corridor for what in the worst situation is a relatively brief time.

  8. עבירה גוררת עבירה
    The ripple effect is going to keep on going till it hurts everyone and causes others to do drastic things like murder,suicide,more theft,anger,family break-ups etc. How can justice ever be done? How can Madoff ever make good?

  9. This is the first time I have been moved to send a comment. In the middle of this tragedy, with all of its myriad sad repercussions, what do I see on this web site? Jews bashing other Jews. Instead of feeling an ultimate sadness at the criminal acts of one man which are going to affect so many innocent people, there are those who would rather use this forum to fight with another Jew about Yeshiva University. Can we not, once and for all, remember that we are all Jews and that at the end of the day, if we are not kind to one another, how can we expect the rest of the world to be. Please take a moment to do an act of chesed rather than bashing a Jewish institution which you may not agree with. Our world would be a better place if you did.

  10. Just a quick thought:

    Hopefully now people realize the concept of “Ani Choshuv K’Mais” is not just a cliche statement, but a reality. Losing financial footing can cause extreme anxiety and lead to premature death, suicide or murder. desperation is a powerful feeling.

    The feelings of desperation are more powerful for the truly poor families. So when a school board decides to fire an employee for non-criminal behaviors it is a major decision. Too many board members have had catastrophic illness, accidents and tradgedies befall them after pulling rank in firing a poorly paid employee.

  11. Uh, nobody is bashing any people, just a failed philosophy that was so in love with secularism that it allowed this guy to be their treasurer. That philosophy is modern day hellenism aka YU.
    I think it is quite fitting that we should bash this false form of Jewish thought on Chanakah.

  12. To #15 No Jews bashing each other but bashing a TREIF system called YU, which lacks anything related to a Yeshivah, and it calls itself a Yeshivah.

  13. Question 1: Is it appropriate for YWN to display the deceased’s picture? It doesn’t seem kovodic to me.

    Question 2: Can the body of this unfortunate individual be buried in a Jewish cemetary?

  14. To #20 Mr. Bugnot….There is something very wrong about about bashing anyone, certainly an entire institution. YOU might thing something is treif. So, big deal!! YOU are just that…YOU! One person with one opinion. I have never stepped into YU. I have gone through all of the frummest & greasiest mainstream Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel and the U.S. I do know though that there are talmidei chachamim in YU that are UNPARALLELED here in the U.S. You might not want to try going into their Beis medrash and try talking in learning with one of the many talmidim. You might find out pretty soon that you are very embarrased and small. That can only happen in a Yeshiva. Is there a college there too? Certainly. But is there amazing learning going on at the Yeshiva? Also certainly! Take out a gemmorah & start catching up!!

  15. I noticed no one who voiced their bigoted comments about YU identified themselves by name. They are cowards blowing hard because their lives are empty so they are trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down. How sad for them. Where were their comments when our brooklyn Yeshivos and Rabbeim stood accused of heinous crimes? As far as I understand it Madoff is not frum. What happened is not the result of YU but of a life empty of Torah. To those who felt a need to disparage other Jews on this website: I’m sure you can find a more constructive use of your time.

  16. Kayla, thanks for joining, another sane and kind voice is always welcomed.

    Ani Choshuv K’Maiss –This is terribly sad, this man was so despondent and could not face his clients who were his friends and family and are now in the zero column.

  17. To #20, #18, and #11:

    I am currently a student at Yeshiva University. I am first back in my room with an opportunity to read the daily news updates at 10:15 PM after I completed night seder and davened maariv. I woke up at 7:30 AM this morning to daven with the Yeshiva in what was a beautiful minyan with a gorgeous hallel. You should come by one morning for shachris. It may be a little longer than you are used to or a little earlier than you normally wake up but there is nothing like davening at a Yeshiva minyan. After shachris, I went straight to the Beis Medrash to learn morning seder. After 3 hours of learning, I ate a quick lunch and went to hear an hour-and-a-half shiur. I then davened mincha and went to my college classes. With the semester winding down, I had some free time so I joined the already packed Beis Medrash for afternoon seder. That’s why I wasn’t able to repsond to your YU bashing right after you wrote your comments. I, along with hundreds of other YU students, was learning Torah not surfing the internet. A little before 5:00 PM I went to light the menorah and I stayed by my candles to learn something not surf the internet. Then I went to my rebbi’s house for a mesiba that ended in time for night seder.
    After a long day of Talmud Torah, I finally have the time to respond to your YU bashing. If you talk so much smack about us not being a Yeshiva, why don’t you come down to our Beis Medrash and talk to one of our Roshei Yeshiva about any sugya in Shas. They can meet you anytime, day or night, as they are always in the Beis Medrash. Even if the middle of the afternoon is not a good time for you because you are surfing the internet and not learning afternoon seder, feel free to come earlier or later because our roshei yehsiva are always there. If you don’t want to come and see that we are indeed a Yeshiva then keep your mouths shut. Your are spreading richilus and you are being mivazeh talmud torah.

  18. Rebbi was punished for not having rachmonos on a calf. kal v’chomer those who fail to show rachmanos on a man who was so distraught he saw no way out but death.

  19. If our previous leaders, Rabbi Gifter ZT”L, Rabbi Bloch ZT”L, Rabbi Friedler ZT”L, Rabbi Kotler ZT”L said that YU is not a Yeshivah, that is psak.
    Its a university that houses jewish studies similar to a Yeshivah period.
    Plenty people were very learned, prime example the student of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Perachia…..

  20. to # 20 mistakes and sins is 1 matter. treife hashkofo is very different. it seems as though yu did not get rid of its transgender rabbi. is there any excuse(THAT IS LEGITIMATE)for this that is acceptable to the tora? why cant we be honest in our comparisons. of course other people/institutions do things wrong at times but it is not a hashkofo it is a misstep that is not explained away as a tora ideal like the tolerance at yu of mishkav zachor and transgender

  21. Joseph:
    Chas V’shalom!!!! I do not consider myself better than anyone. All I ask is that you please consider my Beis Medrash a yeshiva. I’m sure you would take offense if someone would mock the Beis Medrash you learn your 2 sedarim a day at by calling it a “treif” place. Also, if you have a chance, you should stop by the Yeshiv and see for your own eyes what a makom torah it really is. I’d be more than happy to set up a chavrusa or to introduce you to one of the many great rebbeim that learn in our beis medrash.

    Have a freilichin Chanuka!!!!

  22. Rav Bugnot:

    Assuming that these gedolei yisroel really recorded teshuvos paskening that YU is not a Yeshiva what is the Halachic nafka minah? Is my talmud torah and the hundreds of others that learn in the Beis Medrash not counting? Are we just not allowed to refer to ourselves as a Yeshiva? Can we daven and learn in our batei medrashim or do we need to find a place that actually hasa chalos shem of a yeshiva? I would love to both see the source of this psak halacha and work out the nafka minahs with you if you are available to learn. You can either come to my beis medrash or if you refuse to enter a makom torah that does not have the chalos shem of a yeshiva than I would be more than happy to come to you and your beis medrash whether or not one of the gedolei yisroel paskened that it has a chalos shem of a yeshiva.

  23. # 29 SHAME ON YOU! You sit and learn Torah but you do not stand up for it!

    All True Yeshivas have to wince now because of this despicable paramount, across the world, and high magnitude of chilul hashem that YU wants to now shove their association under the rug.

    Do you people get it? 50 billion stolen across the world with an individual who now committed suicide – all from a member that sat in a high position on your board for many years!

    Instead of Ana Hashem chatunu avinu pashanu at least bishogeg, we see discussions, lectures and forums that “don’t worry we’re still a financially strong institution” or “maybe he wasn’t anyway shomer shabbas” or “we’re no different than all the other problems in mosdos”

    Shame and shame on you again! Didn’t you know that Yom kippur is mechaper for all other aveiros, but not for stealing! Liman nechdal mai’oshek yadainu!

    Where are the masses? Where is the outcry?

    Chazer Feesalech – Yes you have elements within your organization that learn Torah, even know shas and poskim, and daven with kavana – and this means that you have split hooves – but much of your institutions inner guts are nothing more than Treif!

  24. Hahu Gavra: I applaud you. The closest these YU bashing posters ever came to YU is while passing by on their way to the George Washington Bridge. I wonder if they got any closer to a sefer in the recent past?


  26. post 33, 34 and all other yu haters. It wasnt a rabbi, it was a teacher and he/she had tenure. There are more facts that meet the eye. I suppose you went to a better Yeshiva, one where the Learning was great but it may of had a problem with child molestation. At least they arent learning secular studies. G-d Forbid people learn something secular.

    There are 70 faces to Torah, they are connecting in their way. You connect yours.

  27. Hahu Gavra:

    I am very impressed by your message. Truly, although I grew up in a more modern way, I have joined the more Yeshivish world. I am strongly influenced by the notion that the modern orthodox leanings of YU are a sort of dangerous departure from Torah yiddishkeit, but your letter pulls me the opposite way as you show such sincere devotion to Torah learning and Torah ways. Correct me if I’m wrong: are there really several parallel academic threads at YU, each with thier own religious culture? Could it be that there is a division of serious Torah students like you but other areas where a much more modern and even secular leaning attitude holds sway? My question is founded on the occassional stories and issues that arise regarding tolerance for more “enlightened” lifestyles and liberal issues that come out of YU.

    I don’t mean any of this as an attack on you personally or on any individuals. I’m sincerely trying to find out what gives the strong impression of compromised Torah values at YU.

  28. Thank you Hahu Gavra for taking the time to bring us your experiance about the constant limud hatorah going on in YU.

    To Bugnot: If you were brought up in a MO environment YOU would now be defending YU and might even of been learning right now instead of posting. And of course you would’ve quoted another group of gedolei yisreal who DID consider YU to be a Yeshiva.
    You can quote an opinion of gedolei yisrael, and if you adhere to their philosophy you should in no way go to or follow YU.
    However please dont join Hashems police force.
    He has more police than followers.

    So maybe we can step back and appreciate the good in each other .

  29. TownShrier:

    You are 100% correct. Within YU there are several different academic tracks. The purpose of these tracks is to give all Jews an opportunity to learn Torah on their own level. I study on the MYP track, an intense learning program that begins in the morning and ends at 3 PM. Almost all of the people that are learning in this track learn night seder and, when possible, afternoon seder. There are, however, many people who attend YU who do not come from a Yeshiva background. They know very little about Yiddeshkeit but they come to YU instead of going to a secular college because it is a Yeshiva college and they are Jews. Instead of forcing at least two full sedarim of gemara down there throats they learn basic halacha, machshava, musar, and tanach. By the time they are in their third or fourth year, ideally, they would advance to a higher track and study gemara at some level. This other track may be seen as modern by outsiders but it is one of the greatest forms of kiruv. Imagine where these Jewish neshamas would be without YU. They would be off in secular college in a terrible environment for yiddishkeit. Instead of leading them there, YU opens there arms and accepts them and creates a program of study for them so that they can experience at least some limud torah even if it’s not in the form of Gemara and Rishonim.

  30. Hahu Gavra

    I thank you for your thoughtful reply. It is illuminating, and fitting for Chanuka ;-). Having said that, I still struggle with the concept of “modern orthodoxy”, not necessarily relating to you or your companions, but in a more general sense and as it relates to YU. Its obviously a big topic, and not one for this kind of thread. Suffice it to say, my struggle with the concept is that there is no effective way to make a truce between secular modernity and Torah-true Judaism. This doesn’t mean that, in order to be a “good” Jew, you have to be a backward ignoramus. It just means you must ever be on guard not to allow the ideology of the modern world dilute or contaminate your Torah mind, even as you adapt modern technology and information to life issues of parnassa, education and so on.

    The effects can be so subtle: my son, a chareidi trained teenager recently came to me saying stuff about tolerating the “alternative lifestyle” without condoning it. If tolerating means I don’t lift a finger personally to harm another, I can see the point. But his point was ever so subtly different, but it made all the difference in the world: it came down to not even affirmatively criticizing what they do, as being “too intolerant”. He had shifted from a point of the moral clarity of being able to at least declare that certain behavior is wrong to being intimidated from saying anything. That’s the “wrong” kind of modern secular I’m talking about that I think is affecting the “modern orthodox movement”.

    Hatzlacha Rabba in your learing and everything and let’s keep talking to each other with love and respect.

    Thank you.

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