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TODAY – Join Tens Of Thousands Of Tinokos Shel Bais Rabon Davening On Behalf Of All Cholim In Klal Yisroel (Arranged By Misaskim)


The days of Aseres Yimei Teshuva are here. Our hearts and minds are geared towards the Yom haDin. With fright and trepidation, we approach the gates of heaven, our tefillos warmer then usual, our every step more careful then before.

A number of unfortunate tragedies have occurred throughout the frum population this past year. Many among us – including r”l, young mothers and fathers and, sadly, many young children – have been struck, l”a, with terrible illnesses.

Judaism worldwide, and particularly in Eretz Yisrael, is under immense anti-Semitic attack, of a magnitude not seen since World War II. Thousands have been killed or wounded and traumatized. Many lie in the hospital for months, wounded both physically and emotionally. Thousands of orphans, without a father, mother, or both have been left alone.

At such times, we seek out the innocent Yiddishe Kinder, our tinokos shel bais rabban, whose tender souls are untainted and clean, whose tefillos are pure. Fifteen years ago, the Center for Community Resources/ Misaskim decided to harness the power of such innocence and purity, and on these days of awe, to gather our young children together, in order to raise a united tefilla for the benefit of our sick brethren. Kol cholei yisrael b’chol makom shehem.

This idea has evolved into a tremendous event, spectacular and breathtaking in its magnitude.

On Wednesday, September 23, during the Aseres Yimei Teshuva, thousands of children from approximately forty yeshivos in the Metropolitan New York area will gather in the Bobover Bais Medrash in Boro Park for this unique Yom Tefilla. The children will be joined by a great number of talmidei chacomim, poskim, rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva; Litvish, Chasidish and Sefardic.

An audio hookup will unite over 150 sites, 19 states in America and 300 schools in six countries, from Mexico and beyond.

At the same time (1:00PM EST), in different time zones – some in early afternoon, others in the wee hours of the morning – thousands upon thousands of innocent souls will raise their clear voices to Shamayim as, in unison, six kapitlech Tehillim (13, 20, 79, 121, 130, and 142) will be recited, after which they will daven Mincha or Maariv, depending on their location.

The Yom Tefilla will conclude with Avinu Malkeinu, the Selicha of the Shlosh Asrei Middos, and Shema Yisrael, beseeching thekisay hakavod for mercy.

In one of the early years of this tradition, as the foundation for this holy event took shape, an old man entered the Bobov Shul and sat down in the area designated for the children. Asked politely to change his seat, the old man slowly pulled out an old black and white picture; two lovely, smiling children stared out.

“These are my children” the old man began, his eyes filling with tears. “The Natzis took them and they never returned. I know that they are here today. Please let me sit here. I want to be with them”.

The zechus of the tefillos which these children in their innocence and purity raise for the simple bakasha of a refuah sheleima l’kol cholei Yisrael will burst the open gates of rachamim and accomplish the children’s requests.

Wherever you might be at that special moment, take a small amount of time out of your busy schedule to say those six kapitlach Tehillim and daven Mincha and know that your tefillos will join together with that of tens of thousands of children.

May Hashem Yisborach heed the united and pure voice of the tinokos shel bais rabbon and send a refuah shelaima as well as the geulah shelaima to all of Klal Yisroel throughout the world!

To listen live to the Tehillim Asifa 5770 and to be inspired and to take a glimpse of past Tehillim Asifos click HERE.

NOTE: There will only be children allowed into the Bobov Bais Medrash. Misaskim urges anyone who wants to participate to click on the above link, or recite Tehillim wherever they are at 1:00PM EST.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Regarding the phrase, ‘Cholim in Klal Yiroel’.

    We must realize, that no-where in Tenaach, do we see such strong words of Rachmonus towards infants and children, as we see in Maftir Yonnah, regarding the city of Ninveh. Ninveh was not a Yiddishe city.

    It says Koll Hamracheim Al Habrious Merachmim Olov Min Hashomayim.

    So, how does HKB”H look at it when we specifically exclude Cholim Sh’einum Yehudim.

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