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NYPD Ticket Blitz To Target Drivers Using Cell-Phones

The NYPD has announced its first 2010 citywide crackdown on drivers using hand-held devices.

The initiative is aimed at promoting safe driving. In a statement, the NYPD said “texting or talking on a cell phone is dangerous and endangers both drivers and pedestrians.”

The 24-hour initiative will begin at midnight on Thursday, and will span across the five boroughs. Those caught using a hand-held device while driving will be fined $130, and as in the past, officers will be relentless and accept no excuses.

This follows the many one-day ticket blitzes that occurred last year, with a March crackdown that resulted in about 9,000 summonses. In 2009, the NYPD issued an average 617 summonses a day to violators.

(Source: NBC New York)

6 Responses

  1. It doesn’t matter what the purpose is for targeting these drivers. The bottom line is that they’re endangering both themselves and others. It makes me furious to see people gabbing away and not paying any attention to the road. And texting – forget it, I’d take away their license for a period if I were in charge.

  2. And if you can afford a car (purchase, rental or lease), and you can afford your cellphone service, then please invest another $15 or so and buy a bluetooth. Get your hands back on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road.

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