Camp Rav Tov HAD Bears Running Around – Now, They Keep Clean

bear cover.jpgAn article in this mornings Times Herald Record warns everyone once again that the solution to keeping your summer properties “bear-free”, is by keeping the grounds clean. Before the summer, YW ran an article (HERE) about summer safety in which we quoted Mr. Carl Lindsley from DEC – who warned people to empty garbage pails daily, and keep extra clean.

The Record reported about an incident in Camp Rov Tov, a Satmar camp in Livingston Manor, which had a 378-pound male bear wander onto its grounds last week. “The bear ate garbage scattered around the camp and pawed open some outdoor refrigerators. There was also a female bear and two yearlings that visited the camp.”

“We had bears running around here like they owned the place,” camp director David Steinberg said.

Carl Lindsley was called to the scene and trapped the big male bear and lectured the camp on bear safety. Now the grounds are clean and trash is dumped into a fenced-in compactor. “We have a crew that runs around all day and cleans everything,” Steinberg said.

Still, many places haven’t gotten the message. In Fallsburg, Lindsley stops at a colony for a random inspection and finds an overflowing, open Dumpster. A man in a golf cart sees his DEC car and immediately gets on his cell phone. One community at a time, this is how Lindsley fights the county’s bear encounters.

“I’ll bet if we come back in an hour that garbage will be gone and it won’t be a threat,” Lindsley said.

8 Responses

  1. Bugnot:is your very poor spelling on purpose or ignorance? (sorry for being mean) Your remarks don’t make much sense.
    Perhaps now people will,follow the law and rules of the county and also be more aware of how important it is not to make a chillulm Hashem. Just take a look at the remarks at the Times Herald Record.Chasssidim are very much watched by the regular folk who live in the area.Bear cubs are cute,but mothers are vicious when protecting their young. Bears will do what wild animals are supposed to do. Play it safe!

  2. Bugnot-
    Are you thick or something. Would you like to wait for 1 person to get maimed before you decide that it is time to catch the bears?

  3. This is nothing to sneeze at. The bear is a wild animal and teva will take over and it can CHV kill or maime a person.

  4. I believe an infant was R”L killed a number of years ago by a bear at a bungalow colony. I don’t remember all the details of the story, but this is a very serious manner.

    The fact that this adds to the anti-semitic perception of “dirty Jews” adds to the already painful Chillul Hashem.

  5. Camp rav tov is where Camp Keser used to be.
    A few years ago when Camp keser used to exist i was there for a number of summers and yes atleast 3 times a week there would be a bear and 2 cubs come to the dumpster behind the kitchen around 11:00p.m. at night. I awsome that there the sasme bears thet have been coming to the camp for years. they have never harmed anyone so why catch them? A read a recent article on a news site that a man has a bear cub as a pet. he takes it in his car where ever he goes and its on leash like a dog. he plays with and even takes it on his dirt bike for rides.

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