NJ Toddler Booted From JetBlue Flight After Being Flagged ‘No-Fly’

The NY Post reports:

An 18-month-old New Jersey toddler was reportedly booted from her flight in Florida after officials told her family her name was flagged.

Little Riyanna and her parents were all set to fly home Tuesday night from Fort Lauderdale when a JetBlue official boarded their plane and removed the family, they told WPBF-TV.

“And I said, ‘For what?'” Riyanna’s mother told the TV station yesterday.

“And he said, ‘Well, it’s not you or your husband. Your daughter was flagged as ‘no fly.’ I said, ‘Excuse me?'”

The airline employee dragged the adorable tot’s parents off the plane as JetBlue and TSA hashed out the family’s situation.

“It’s absurd,” the girl’s dad said. “It made no sense. Why would an 18-month-old child be on a no-fly list?”

After several minutes of talks with TSA, JetBlue said the family would be allowed to re-board.

“The whole situation was bizarre, it was completely bizarre and absolutely made no sense,” the mom said.

At this point, the family didn’t want to fly JetBlue.

The dad said he believes his family was targeted because they’re of Middle Eastern descent — though they were born and raised in New Jersey and speak English without any hint of an accent. Riyanna’s mom does wear a traditional head scarf.

The parents asked WPBF not to identify them.

“We were put on display like a circus act because my wife wears a hijab,” he said.

“We were humiliated, we were embarrassed, we were picked on.”

JetBlue blamed this misunderstanding on the feds, while the TSA said it was an airline issue.

(Source: NY Post)

11 Responses

  1. A better explanation: The baby is really subversive. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The babies of the world, most of whom meet and first conspire in “nursuries” (and you thought they were crying for food – that’s how they communicate without us understanding), have realized what a mess the grownups have made of the world, and are planning a revolution. Fortunately, TSA is focusing on this threat and keeping an eye on potentially subverise babies and toddlers instead of wasting their time and the taxpaper’s money on silly “old” terrorists.

  2. B”H the TSA is doing their job thoroughly. I feel so much safer knowing that they’re really catching the bad guys

  3. Ezra Hanon…er…excuse me…what does profiling have to do with a name on a no-fly list?

    I agree, of course, that Liberals and Leftists are the universal cause of anything and everything that irks people such as yourself…but please educate lil ole unsophisticated me…what is the logic supporting your position?

    And hello Akuperma…I just love the subversive baby argument…well said. 🙂

  4. the TSA said it was an airline issue.

    Yeah, right. The airline knows that if they don’t enforce these ridiculous regulations the TSA will destroy them. So now the airline is the bad guy. It’s like the DEA forcing pharmacies to report “suspicious activity” from their customers, and if they don’t report enough people they get closed down, so when some innocent person gets reported the DEA says it’s the pharmacist’s fault.

  5. “JetBlue blamed this misunderstanding on the feds, while the TSA said it was an airline issue.”

    This part is unfair to leave indefinitely unexplained.

  6. If you were checking people who would you choose to check, a man with an Amish appearance and name or someone who is Muslim and has an Arab name.
    The fact is that almost all terrorists (those that target innocent people) have been Muslims and from the middle east.
    They may protest profiling but they would do better to stop killing innocent people.

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