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Israel: Driving the Prime Minister

Israeli prime minister Binyamin NetanyahuPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s drivers, all six, are in line for a raise in line with new agreements. Their salaries are being increased, most likely next month, to the level of drivers employed by the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet). While these drivers are government employees who are under the wing of the Prime Minister’s Office, they are hand selected by the prime minister, who is permitted to use his digression in this case.

The battle for a higher wage for the drivers began back in 2005, at which time they received an increase due to the ‘high risk’ of their position. This resulted in a 1,018 NIS monthly increase. Drivers for other cabinet ministers received a raise under the same clause, but only 237 NIS monthly.

The drivers turned to Prime Minister Netanyahu in 2010 asking for a raise, to bring their salaries to the level of the ISA. This would demand an increase of 5,000 NIS monthly per driver. The prime minister handed the matter over to the director-general of his office, Yael Gabbai. The increase equating their salary with employees of the ISA was approved in August 2011.

At present, the prime minister’s drivers today earn an average monthly wage of 12,000 NIS. They also receive a vehicle as a job benefit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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