An Interview With Maran HaRav Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Eldest Son: Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Yishayahu Kanievsky Shlita

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

The interview was conducted in Hebrew while Rabbi Hoffman was visiting Eretz Yisroel for a family simcha.  The Rav learns full time and is the head of Kollel Orchos Yosher in Bnei Brak, where he resides.  The Rav also heads Rav Chaim’s tzedakah organization also called “Orchos Yosher.”   The order of some of the questions has been changed to facilitate a better sense of understanding.


YH:  I apologize in advance for taking up the Rav’s time in asking these questions that perhaps may seem mundane, but I think it might be inspiring to the readers in terms of their own growth..

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA: Anything that can help the oilam grow in either Torah or Yiras shamayim is certainly worthwhile to do..

YH:  I imagine that growing up in the Rav’s home was a rather unique and inspiring experience.   Which of his hanhagos and words of advice influenced the Rav and his siblings the most?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  My father was always makpid to daven on time. He was very, very organized and always instructed us to maintain that Midah [habit].  Even in yeshiva, he encouraged us not to be lazy and to attempt to finish everything.  He was very makpid that we not, so to speak, leave things in the middle but rather, to completely finish whatever sefer or mesechtah that we are learning.

YH: It is well known that your father shlita has an incredible seder halimud that he completes each year: He finishes the entire Bavli, Yerushalmi, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, and Rambam.  When, as a child, did you first notice his prodigious schedule?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  We grew up with it.  As soon as we were able to speak, we knew that he had that schedule.

YH: Does that mean to say that he had always kept to it? 

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  Yes, I believe that he had always done it. My father’s schedule didn’t change.

YH: When does he awaken? 

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  He always woke up much before naitz since my earliest years and continued straight.

YH:  Do you also try to keep to such a rigorous schedule like that of your father?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  [Modestly, he responds] I do try to do it as well, but, of course, I am unable to do it at his level of understanding.  His level of learning and his hasmadah are impossible to imitate.

YH:  As both a grandson of Rav Elyashiv and lehavdil bain chaim l’chaim, as a son of your father, I can imagine that it might have left a bit of a quandary when these two giants differed with each other.  So what did the Rav [referring to RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA} do?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  It was actually not such a problem because our family always followed the rulings of the Chazon Ish.

YH:  So let’s go the other side.  The Rav is also the grandson of the Steipler Gaon, and there was, at least, one time when your father shlita disagreed with your grandfather, the Steipler.  In particular, it once happened in regard to the issue of the obligation of placing a Mezuzah on a city tzuras hapesach [employed in city eiruvin]. 

The Chazon Ish seems to write that a tzuras Hapesach (for an Eiruv) would require a Mezuzah.  The Steipler zatzal felt that it did not require one, and your father shlita pointed out that the Chazon Ish writes that it would and that the only reason not to would be because of the concern that it would be vandalized.  Later, I checked up on the veracity  of this exchange with Rav Brody who had asked your father about it. He told me that your father, in the most respectful manner, verified the discussion. 

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  I do not remember the issue specifically.

YH: Your father shlita has a minhag not to leave Eretz Yisroel at all.  What does the Rav do and what do the Rav’s siblings do in regard to this?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  I would say that this is my father’s own hanhagah, but not an across-the-board family minhag.  L’maaseh, each of them, and all of the grandchildren present the two tzedadim [sides] to my father, and he responds whether it is an appropriate enough reason to leave Eretz Yisroel or not.

YH:  It seems that pretty much everyone goes to Rav Chaim for every single problem, for a bracha, for a shidduch, for a bracha for children, and also for their children.  For someone who has such hasmadah and so much learning and the realization of how much more he can learn otherwise – doesn’t it bother him at all?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  It is all chessed, so it does not bother him at all.

YH:  Incredible.   Once, a few years ago, the Rav’s father told someone to conduct himself in a certain manner.  The man was apparently embarrassed and told a lie that ended up making the Rav’s father feel bad.  Should the Rav’s father be informed that it was, in fact, not true?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA: I don’t think so.  My father probably does not remember it at all.

YH: Let’s get to the methods of learning.  The Rav’s grandfather, the Steipler Gaon, authored numerous seforim on the Yeshivesh mesechtos and his approach focused on various lomdishe points.

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  Like the typical Torah of Roshei Yeshivos..

YH:  Yes, exactly.  On the other hand, the Rav’s father’s seforim focus more on Mishna Brurah-like explanations and other clarifications – pointing toward other sources, rishonim and acharonim whose writings explain the underlying issues.  Which method do you gravitate toward more?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  I learn more in the method that my father does, than in the method of my grandfather.

YH:  What about in terms of seforim of the Rav?  Forgive me, but I am unaware of the Rav’s own seforim.  What does the Rav focus on in his own seforim?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  I actually focus more on my father’s Torah.  What he says is more important than what I have to say.  My father had asked me to work on his seforim on the five megillos and also on the Kaballah sefer known as the Bahir.

YH:  Did the Rav’s father ever guide the Rav as to what sugya he should work on or write about?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  Yes he did.  He told me to write about the sugya of a rebellious son – “Ben sorrer umoreh” in a responsum type format (Shailos uTeshuvos).

YH:  If there was one thing that struck the Rav most about growing up in his father’s home – how would the Rav describe it?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  I would say that it was his extraordinary hasmadah.

YH:  I am sure that the Rav was by his other grandfather (the Steipler) quite often.


YH:  What struck the Rav most about the Steipler?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  It was seeing his utter Kedushah.

YH:  And what struck the Rav most about Rav Elyashiv zt”l

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA:  It was his Hasmada also. He knew everything.

YH:  Thanks very much.  May I contact the Rav in the future to speak in learning myself?

RAV AY KANIEVSKY SHLITA: Certainly, it would be my pleasure.

YH:  Thank you so much for your time.

The interviewer can be reached at [email protected]

For many years, Orchos Yosher has helped needy families in Eretz Yisroel and has helped revolutionize the learning of מוסר throughout the world.

However, due to the loss of a main sponsor, we are seeking the public’s help to marry off a Kallah whose parents are under heavy debt, with no means to marry her off! It’s so painful to see her parents suffering with nowhere to turn.

Orchos Yosher knows this family and is launching a special campaign to help with this extraordinary Mitzvah of הכנסת כלה, and with your help she will IY”H enter the Chupah proudly like all בנות ישראל

HaRav Avrohom Yeshaya Kanievsky Shlit”a who is assuming this responsibility to help this poor Kallah will submit the names of the donors of this cause to his father Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a for a Bracha!


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