The To’eva Parade has become an annual event in a number of Israeli cities R”L, including Tel Aviv. This year organizers boast that over 130,000 participants are expected to take part, including 30,000 tourists that will be in the city to celebrate with the local to’eva community.
The parade begins on Friday, June 13, 2014.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
6 Responses
To be a frei people in their own land – the zionist dream fulfilled
My Hashem’s blasts those people from the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!
at least its not in jerusalem
May Hashem’s (sp) blasts (sp) the NK murderers from the face of the earth!!!!!!!!
These people may or may not be Chayuv Misah (no eidim or hasraah – just waving a colorful flag around). But the NK publicly supports the enemies of all Jews and most of world as well.
As far as I know Mishkav Zachar is not one of the “Big Three”.
SHEFICHAS DAMIM IS!!!!! Me thinks we need to get our priorities straight.
Why report this? It just gives them more publicity which is exactly what they want
gilui arayos is one of the three
and nkers dont kill people either they support terrorists, just like at best these poeple are supporting mishkav zachor