Rav Chaim Kanievsky: Follow Maran Rav Shteinman Regarding Jerusalem Chief Rabbinate Race

shtRabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita, a dati leumi candidate for the post of Jerusalem Chief Sephardi Rabbi, visited Bnei Brak and met with Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.

Rav Kanievsky told Rav Eliyahu that whatever Rav Shteinman decides compels him to act accordingly, wishing him “bracha and hatzlacha and a Shana Tova”. Rav Eliyahu also asked for a bracha for his children, which he received.

According to the dati leumi Srugim website, Rav Shteinman announced the chareidim will support Rav Eliyahu in his bid for the slot.

The election is set for Tuesday, 27 Tishrei.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Go challenge any Rabbi from any “Camp”, who undoubtedly is up and away the leading talmud chacham and person of stature ,of all candidates.

    Every one ,bar none, will tell you straight out or will mumble that really it is HaRav Eliyahu Shlesinger

    So ,pray, what could be his “flaw”,
    that the electoral system was gerrymandered and delayed over and over till another candidate could step up ?

    Is it that he is more likely to be “incorrigble” and less likely of all the candidates to succumb and surrender

    to overwhelming “pressures” (and occasional dollars with blandishments)
    to “moderate” i.e. adulerate to the “demands” of the era?

    Or is it that he will “struggle to connect” with the public?
    (eh..pull out the good ol’ “Ahavat yisroel” lingo)

    Oh..He lives in Jerusalem and he is the long term highly respected and strongly popular Rav
    of predominantly traditional and irreligious neighborhood of Gilo.

  2. ONCE again, a large majority would vote for RAV STERN for talmid chacham and man of statue (BTW what is that??!!)

    You know, I know and we know this is not a contest for talmid chachom, yiras shamayim, midos, baal halacha, niemus ben adom L’chavero —— it is far more than that!!! if it was than Rav Yakov Shapiro would have become the Ashkeniz Chief Rabbi of Israel.

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