VIDEO AND PHOTOS: IDF Soldier Lightly Injured By Palestinian Rioters Near Ramallah



An IDF Soldier was injured while trying to disperse riots near Ramallah, Monday afternoon.

Dozens of Palestinians threw rocks, bottles, and homemade explosives at soldiers as they attempted to stop the riots in the Arab Village of al-Am’ari, located just outside of Ramallah.

According to information released by the IDF, Soldiers were making routine patrols in the area when they came under attck by the angry mob of dozens of Palestinians.

Initially, a loudspeaker was used to warn the rioters to cease their violent activities. When they failed to do so, soldiers fired tear gas at the group. Eventually, live fire was directed at the leaders of the riot.

At least 28 Palestinians were allegedly hurt.

Palestinian radio claimed 5 were struck by live bullets.

The injured solider was removed to Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. He was reported to be in stable condition.

Watch how the crowd of Palestinian rioters cheer as the soldier is quickly carried away on the shoulders of a comrade.

The following video and attached photos are via Palestinian media:


(YWN World Headquarters  NYC)

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