Israel: More Chareidim Seeking an Academic Degree

There is a growing trend among chareidim in Israel who wish to attain an academic degree. In 5772, there are over 6,000 students identified with the chareidi tzibur studying for a degree, and N’vei Institute reports a 30% increase in registration this year, Kikar Shabbat reports.

Upon completion of the program, N’vei also assists graduates in finding suitable positions in the workforce. The school will be holding an open day for prospective students on January 29, 2012. The program is designed for yeshiva graduates that wish to invest in a future in the workplace, willing to work hard towards earning a degree that can open doors in a number of fields, including high-tech.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Unless you listened to the somewhat sturmer-esque ramblings in the secular press, this wouldn’t be a surprise.

    If Israel had more single-sex collegiate options, more online options, and American-style policies in recognizing “yeshiva” credits as the equivalent of basic humanities credit, the numbers would be much higher. It would also help if they opened up all educational and vocational options to non-veterans.

  2. “It would also help if they opened up all educational and vocational options to non-veterans.”

    except AKUPERMA, if they did, you would be writing talkbacks about how this is a ploy to shmad frum yidden.

    Your responses to every single issue here in Israel are predictable. And pathetic.

  3. #1 There are academic courses available under the certification of Rav Pinchos Sheinberg which lead to a college degree. Information can be found in “English Update” and other publications available in Yerushalayim. This trend is growing, predictable and welcomed.

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