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Chareidi Zealots Compare Induction Into The IDF To Concentration Camps

The extremists among chareidim continue to cross red lines in their battle against chareidim serving in the IDF. The latest campaign is called “Yehudim, the City is Burning”, which includes a pamphlet and pashkavilim and an astonishing comparison between concentration camps and induction into the IDF.

A handout was circulated in some shuls and mailboxes, comparing the concentration camps with serving in the IDF, claiming the later threatens Yiddishkheit.

“The Holocaust was aimed at exterminating the bodies while today, the battle is over the neshomos. Then, the Holocaust was in Europe and today, in Eretz HaKodesh. The Holocaust was conducted by evil goyim but here Am Yisrael stands by the side [as it occurs]”.

People are being asked to donate 30 shekels a month for 24 months to the ‘Hatzolos Nefoshos’ campaign.

Police are investigating to determine who is behind this latest incitement.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Sickos!

    Extremists seem to be relieved of the burden of thinking clearly and they can feel so good about themselves seeing that in their eyes they (and only they) are correct and see properly and the rest of us are just stinking treif putting in time to support a state that protects us against a re-enactment of the holocaust.

  2. Anyone who lives in Israel and has teenage kids can understand why the Chareidim Compare Induction Into The IDF of Schmad To Concentration Camps. I have friends who live in Israel and explained this topic to me. We don’t have to agree but I can see their point.

  3. Very simple , the gedolim are aware that the reason that the idf is trying to induct charedim in the army is for the purposes of secularizing them. they have inside info as to what’s going on ,therefore that is their psak. Most of us are questioning them based on lack of info , in these situations just trust them.

  4. I am not sure what it so controversial about this. Saying that a threat to ruchnius is worse that a physical threat is not an extremist position. So, if there really is a threat to ruchnius, doesn’t that make the IDF worse? Is it because the IDF isn’t a threat to ruchnius? Then that just means that these people are mistaken. But that doesn’t mean that they are extremists, they just are mistaken about the facts. (I can’t say first hand, but people that I have spoken to say first hand that there is a big threat to ruchnius in the IDF).

  5. It is not sufficient to recognize that these people are sick, ignorant and delusional.
    It is time to wake up and realize that they are truly sonei yisrael, no less, and to draw the appropriate conclusions.

  6. @Moshiach I have a son that spent 3 years in the IDF and one in the IDF now. If your friends haven’t done a good enough job instilling Frum values in their children they should not blame the IDF. Oh, and I live in Israel and my knowledge is first hand.

  7. I once heard a “prominent” rosh yeshiva say a very similar thing comparing the draft to the holocaust. There is a problem of extremism with the charedi world – not just a small minority.

  8. @aml- I feel bad for your children who are exposed to the 3 worst Avros, that take place in the IDF. Hoping that you’ll wake up and smell the coffee and do Teshuva for sending your children to Schmad before it’s to late.

  9. I often wonder if all those who attack the IDF or the “Zionists” have ever gone to the Kotel or kivrei avos? Where is the hakaras hatov to these soldiers and fellow yidden who put their lives on the line for klal yisroel.

    The IDF has tried and succeeded in helping frum soldiers by opening special units. It is not perfect but nobody and no country is perfect. The whole IDF fiasco might have been avoided if all yidden in Israel voted in the last elections there, like the mainstream gedolim recommended.

  10. “People are being asked to donate 30 shekels a month for 24 months to the ‘Hatzolos Nefoshos’ campaign.”

    So that is what they want – money.

    These “zealots” rile up people to play with their emotions in order to get their money.
    Are these “zealots” out teaching Torah. I’m pretty sure that they are not. The only thing they request is money.

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