VIDEOS/PHOTOS: Chareidi Teen Drowns In The Kinneret


A chareidi teen, 17, drowned in the Kinneret on Tuesday morning, 8 Sivan. He was pulled from the water in the Chof Tayelet area in cardiac arrest.

United Hatzalah EMT-3 Kobi Sror explained, “When we arrived we were told by persons in the areas that the teen jumped into the water and then they lost contact with him and summoned emergency services. They pulled him from the water and moved to the rocks nearby.”

He was in cardiac arrest and basic life support was initiated followed by advanced life support after paramedics arrived. He was intubated and transported to Poriah Hospital in Tiveria in critical condition.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo & Video Credit: United Hatzalah & Police Spokesman)

4 Responses

  1. oiy, every year we see Chardim losing their lives in swimming and hiking accidents.

    I think it is time to teach safety in the yeshivas, Common sense is not so common anymore…..

  2. Doesn’t the word “drowning” mean death by inhaling water? Did the teen die R”L or is he still alive?

    If it’s the latter, why isn’t the headline clearer by saying a near-drowning? To be honest, I was about to post BDE but now it appears I would have been very wrong.

    Please use words responsibly & clearly.

  3. The headline begins with the words “VIDEOS/PHOTOS: “. Wow! Videos and photos of a terrible tragedy!
    Does the writer really think that gawking at pictures is the most important and newsworthy aspect when reporting this? Are readers really more interested in gawking than in lamenting the tragedy?

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