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Police Will Not Permit March to Terrorist’s Home

mishtara1.jpgPolice on Sunday morning announced they will not permit marchers to reach the Jabel Mukaber area home of Merkaz HaRav terrorist located adjacent to the Armon HaNatziv area of Jerusalem.

Marchers plan to decry the government’s inaction, permitting the family of the terrorist to maintain a mourning tent in the capital, which was also flying Hamas and Hizbullah flags on the first day. Police did order the flags removed but the existence of the mourning tent permits visitors to praise the murderer of eight yeshiva students, labeling him a martyr, a move that was not found acceptable in Jordan, where a mourning tent for the terrorist was dismantled.

Marchers are also calling upon the government to raze the family’s home, or at the very least, to seal the room of the home that belonged to the terrorist.

While Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter last week called for the demolition of the terrorist’s home, supported by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, legal experts believe the act will not be carried out since the order will be challenged by left-wing activists and they do not believe the court will support such a move.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Arab murderers used to be buried by the Israelis wrapped in pigskins. this sent a very clear message to the murderers and might even act as a deterent since Islam holds pigs to be abhorrent and any person buried with one would not merit to reside in “HEAVEN”. It’s definitely an idea worth condering. It’s mind boggling to me that the Israelis even let the family bury their terrorist family member altogether. that’s DEFINITELY not a deterent.

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