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Director Of Kever Shmuel HaNavi May Be Held Responsible For Child’s Serious Injuries

A pre-indictment hearing was held for the Nature Authority director of the tziyun of Shmuel HaNavi in light of the incident in which a 14-year-old boy was injured when a boulder dislodged and struck the child, injuring him seriously. Authorities feel the area of the defective wall should have been closed off, making it an inaccessible area, but this was not the case, leading to the child’s injuries. The incident occurred in January 2019, as was reported by YWN-Israel.

Menachem Strasberg, 14, a talmid yeshiva in Chabad in Tzefas, was visiting the tziyun with a friend when he was injured when the boulder fell on top of him. On Thursday, January 31, 2019, KAN Reshet Bet News reported that the director of the site ordered closing the area in which the youth was injured, but it is now viewed as possibly being too little too late.

Changes were made at the site following the incident, but after the investigation, police officials are questioning why the director of the site failed to notice the dangers that lurked and if he did see them, why he failed to at the very least close off the area.

Doctors in Hadassah Hospital battled to save his leg and it is reported that he has a “long, difficult and complicated rehabilitation process ahead of him”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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