NEW SEGULA? The Vitznitzer Rebbe & 100 Chassidim Cross The Egyptian Border Into Sinai In Historic Trip [PHOTOS]

Two days after returning from a visit to London, the Vitznitzer Merkaz Rebbe (Reb Mendel) left early Tuesday morning on a mysterious trip which was kept top secret until the last moment, traveling toward Eilat with over 100 chassidim.

The story began when 75 Vitznitzer chassidim who donated more than NIS 50,000 to Vitznitzer mosdos received a surprise message about a trip with the Rebbe and were asked to arrive at the main Viznitzer beis medrash in Bnei Brak at 4:30 a.m. with passports and tefillin, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

The trip was a complete surprise and was kept completely under wraps until the last minute. Even the participants themselves didn’t know where they were going and at first, they thought they were flying to Poland to the tzion of Rebbe Menachem Mendel M’Rimanov who publicized the segulah of reciting Parshas HaMan on the Tuesday of erev Parshas Beshalach – Shabbos Shira.

Some of the chassidim drove in their cars toward Eilat and davened Shacharis on Har Yoash close to Eilat. Other chassidim, some of whom had flown in from Canada, the United States and Europe to join the trip, flew from Ben-Gurion Airport to Ramon Airport in Eilat. From Eilat, they proceeded to the Taba Border Crossing and crossed the border into Sinai in Egypt.

Important Viznitz personalities and members of the Va’ad Ha’ne’amanim arrived at the site for Shacharis which began at noon along with the recital of Parshas Haman and Shiras Hayam in Sinai next to the Yam Suf. The chassidim are expected to return from the trip overnight Tuesday at 2 a.m.

Viznitzer Chassidus will mark Yud Beis Shevat on the upcoming Shabbos Shira, the Rosh Hashana for the chassidus as it marks the day that the Rebbe established the Vitznitz Chassidic Center. The main celebration will take place on Motzei Shabbos in Nes Tziona.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. If “The trip was a complete surprise and was kept completely under wraps until the last minute.” How did Chasidim from Canada, America, and Europe have time to fly in and join the trip?

  2. It must be great to be a Rebbe. Always partying and going on exotic vacations. Life in the easy lane. Never having to worry about paying any bills or expenses. Davening at all hours. I cant wait for YWN to publish pictures of all the various heiligeh Rebbe’s vacationing in Miami Beach.

  3. רפואה שלימה

    They seem so complexed with what they do!! If you believe what you doing is right why the secrets??!!

  4. @frumguy
    The difference between something legit and a cult… is that in a cult, its all to service the leader, while in a legitimate situation, the leader serves the followers. Hours upon hours of serving a klal stand in direct opposition to the claim of “cultness”. As for the actual venue? looks can deceive, look at the superbowl, and new years ball drop…

  5. Why all the cynicism? The Rebbe did a beautiful thing going to the place where Shira was sung the week of Shabbos Shira. It was a treat for his wealthier chassidim. Why did they have to know where they were going? Besides the trip was more private this way.

  6. A new low at YWN.
    Why the hate?
    Simchas Chinam at its best.
    A bunch of Sonei Yisrael.
    If you don’t like what they do shut up and mind your own business.

    Take a deep look at your mouth spewing disgusting Sinas Chinam.

    Ad Mosei

  7. wow so hartwarming to see my fellow holy jews back to where they recived the holy torah this is nothing like a cult this is achdus and what will bring mashiach

  8. Stop being so negative!!!!!!! Enough with this sarcastic news. Leave everyone be. If you dint like it, shut up and dont do it.

  9. “Besides the trip was more private this way.”

    and by sharing with YWN and other websites, they ensured it remained private.

  10. “Shacharis which began at noon” – is that a typo?”
    Not at all. Noon is the z’man for the Vishnitz davening vasikim. R’ Mendel insists that his Chassidim get a good night’s sleep so that they can daven with kavanah.

    “I cant wait for YWN to publish pictures of all the various heiligeh Rebbe’s vacationing in Miami Beach”
    Miami Beach is so “yesterday”. The more moderneshe rabbonim prefer Palm Desert, Boca Raton, and the Algarve coast for their cold-weather escapes.

    On a serious note, why is it anyone’s business how the Rebbe raises funds for his mosdos. I’m not sure there was any special “spiritual” significance to this program but it obviously worked and shows some originality and out of the box thinking. You may not always agree with Chassideshe hashkafah but its a lot more fun and exciting that a lot of the Litvish approach to fundraising.

  11. Apushtayid: trip was private BEFORE they went, kept under wraps, not advertised ahead of time.
    Wow, u guys really like to pull this chassidus apart! Live and let live!

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