WATCH THIS: Biden Press Secretary Declines To Say If Israel Is “Important Ally”

The White House Press Secretary declined to Friday Israel and Saudi Arabia are “important allies” of the United States.

After a back-and-forth with reporters during the daily White House briefing about President Biden’s failure so far to speak with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked:

“Can you please just give a broad sense of what the administration is trying to achieve in the Middle East? For example, does the administration still consider the Saudis and the Israelis important allies?”

She responded:

“Well, you know, again, I think, we, there are ongoing processes and internal interagency processes, one that we, I think confirmed an interagency meeting just last week to discuss a range of issues in the Middle East where we’ve only been here three and a half weeks.

“And I think I’m going to let those policy processes see themselves through before we give kind of a complete lay down of what our national security approaches will be to a range of issues.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. @OrechDin:
    I’m sooooo excited. As a Brooklyn resident I’ve been trying to sell a certain bridge here for decades, to no avail.
    Finally, looks like I have a buyer.

  2. Folks saying she didn’t answer the question… SHE ANSWERED THE QUESTION TWO QUESTIONS EARLIER. The clip intentionally left that out to mislead you people. I posted the whole transcript. You keep falling for this stuff. You still don’t have a shred of intellectual curiosity to look one set beyond what your media shows you. You fell for the Big Lie. And you will continue to fall for whatever nonsense you’re fed.

  3. She won’t answer that question because any answer she would give would not be agreeable to one half of the Democratic party. Think Ilhan Omar and Chuck Schumer for example.

  4. Biden is no friend of Israel and you will see for yourselves in the not too distant future.
    It’s Obama all over again.
    Reports, which are credible, say Biden was in talks with Iran over the Nuclear Deal just before he officially took office.
    Members of Congress who are of Biden’s party now openly spout their hatred and disdain for Israel.
    Look at the group of legislators called “The Squad” for starters. There are more than them also.

  5. And there you have it. It’s all in what she DIDN’T say.

    The Biden Administration needs to take their blinders off and realize that anyone who deliberately destroys artifacts to erase the history and presence of a people in a land (Joseph’s tomb) is not interested in making peace, and act accordingly.

  6. Agree with Gav…what a bunch of stupid double talk. She must think people are a bunch of idiots. Wake up…she’s saying that Biden doesn’t really care about Israel.

  7. Oh, for ___ sake! Post the entire transcript. If the press secretary answered “yes” you would be whining that Pres. Biden puts Israel and Saudi Arabia on equal footing as allies. Just admit it. And admit that you took this from Fox News and NY Post, it’s not YWN reporting. And also admit you’re not referencing the hundreds of times that Pres. Biden and his administration and his staff have said that “Israel is an important ally.” It’s a 3 second Google search. You also didn’t note that, unlike Trump and Netanyahu, Biden has known Netanyahu for decades. The US has much bigger problems right now than the egos of a few right-wing Christians and their Jewish comrades. This is the difference between pandering and governing from an American perspective. The US is dealing with a pandemic far worse than most of the world, an economic collapse, direct threats from China, Russia, and Iran. And the need to rebuild relationships with far larger European allies that Israel will need on its side going forward.

    I see your “reporting” also leaves out that the US Secretary of State and Israeli Foreign Minister had a very long meeting the same day.

    Here is the entire exchange, since you don’t have the resources go to the White House website, where Ms. Psaki says TWO QUESTIONS EARLIER that the relationship with Israel is important:

    Q Okay, separate issue: Is any update on whether the President has called or plans to call Prime Minister Netanyahu?

    MS. PSAKI: I don’t have an update. He is looking forward to speaking with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I can assure you that will be soon, but I don’t have a specific time or deadline — or time or date for when that will occur.

    Q As I’m sure you know, there’s a narrative in Israel that this is an intentional diss. Is it?

    MS. PSAKI: It is not an intentional diss. Prime Minister Netanyahu is someone the President has known for some time. Obviously, we have a long and important relationship with Israel, and the President has known him and has been working on a range of issues that there’s a mutual commitment to for some time. It is just a reflection of the fact that we have been here for three and a half weeks, he’s not called every single global leader yet, and he is eager to do that in the weeks ahead.

    Q But he has called every other major ally in Europe and in Asia.

    MS. PSAKI: He’s called many of them. That is true. Some would argue they haven’t received calls yet, and they are still eager to receive them. But I can assure you he will be speaking with the Prime Minister soon, and he’s looking forward to doing that.

    Go ahead.

    Q Just to follow up on Anne: Are you talking about days or weeks as the timeframe of the President speaking with Netanyahu?

    MS. PSAKI: I don’t have an exact timeline to give you, other than he’s looking forward to having the conversation. They’ve known each other for some time. There are certainly areas of mutual interest. And as soon as he makes that call, we will let you all know.

    Q Can you give us further details about the conversation that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had with his Israeli counterpart, I believe to discuss Iran, yesterday?

    MS. PSAKI: I don’t have additional details on that. I’m happy to talk to Jake and see if there’s more we can read out for all of you.

    Q Yeah, that would be really great. And still on the issue of the Middle East, I mean, I know that you’re saying that, you know, things are still under review, including policies like the Abraham Accords, but can you please just give us a broad sense of what the administration is trying to achieve in the Middle East? For example, does the administration still consider the Saudis and the Israelis important allies?

    MS. PSAKI: Well, you know, again, I think we — there are ongoing processes and internal interagency processes — one that we, I think, confirmed an interagency meeting just last week — to discuss a range of issues in the Middle East. We’re — we’ve only been here three and a half weeks, and I think I’m going to let those policy processes see themselves through before we give, kind of, a complete laydown of what our national security approaches will be to a range of issues.

    Q Just to follow up on another issue — I have two more questions actually, if that’s okay.

    MS. PSAKI: Go ahead. It’s okay. Go ahead.

    Q So the sister of the Saudi activist, Loujain al-Hathloul, said that President Biden’s victory helped secure her sister’s release.

    MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

    Q Did the administration have any role in securing her release?

    MS. PSAKI: Well, we certainly thought it was a very positive step and one that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke to on Twitter. I hate for that to be the reference, but that is where he put out a comment on it. I don’t have any more specific details to read out for you, but when I follow up with him on your other question, I’m happy to ask him about that.

  8. “WATCH THIS: Biden Press Secretary Declines To Say If Israel Is Important Ally.” What a terribly misleading headline. She was asked if “Saudi Arabia and Israel” are important allies. Her response was masterful. Read between the lines… “Don’t lump Saudi Arabia into the same ‘bucket’ of ‘allies’ as Israel. They’re not equal. Our friendship with the Saudis may come and go, but the Unites State’s support for Israel had been, and always will be, unshakable.”

  9. Everytime I hear her speak she avoids and evades issues. Her demeanor is very insincere and cold hearted. She is definitely a sign of what is to come.

  10. Biden knows that ANY statement will be used in Israel’s election campaign. He loves Israel more than the diaspora Jews here who want to interfere in Israel’s sovereignty.

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