Israel Prepares For “Carmel” Winter Storm: Heavy Rain, Torrential Winds, And Flooding

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Israel is preparing for “Carmel,” a major winter storm that will begin on Monday morning and last until Wednesday.

Weather forecasters have predicted heavy rainfall and strong winds throughout the country and chances of flooding. Snow will fall on the Chermon and other peaks in the north.

Police are advising the public to curtail unnecessary travel during the storm and avoid entering elevators located underground as well as underground parking lots and other sites that are vulnerable to flooding.

“Strong winds may lead to the collapse of trees, pillars, etc. as well as the flying of various objects,” the police stated. “Any such hazard must be reported to the authorities as soon as possible. All objects that could fly off of porches and gardens should be firmly secured.”

The Education Ministry has canceled all school trips and extracurricular activities that were scheduled to take place in the next few days. Classroom studies in schools in areas where flooding is expected to take place have also been canceled and lessons will be held online.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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