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Gaza Terrorists Fire Rockets At Southern Israel Amid Jenin Raid

The IDF confirmed early Wednesday morning that Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip had launched a barrage of five rockets toward southern Israel as its troops continued battling terrorists in Jenin.

At approximately 1:30 am local time, sirens wailed in the city of Sderot, alarming residents of an imminent threat. Subsequent to the sirens, loud explosions reverberated through the area.

The IDF revealed that all five rockets were successfully intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system, effectively neutralizing the imminent danger posed by the attack.

Fortunately, no injuries or significant damage were reported as a result of the rocket assault.

This incident marks the first instance of rocket fire from terror groups in the Gaza Strip since May 14, prior to the recent escalation in tensions surrounding the Jenin raid.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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