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WATCH: Hezbollah Anti-Tank Missile Downs IDF Observation Balloon

It was released for publication on Tuesday evening that an Israeli civilian was killed in the Hezbollah anti-tank missile attack on the Adamit kibbutz in the western Galil earlier on Tuesday.

Also, five soldiers were wounded, one moderately and four lightly

One of the missiles hit an IDF observation balloon, causing it to fall in Lebanese territory. The IDF said that there are no concerns about sensitive information being leaked.

Hezbollah later claimed responsibility for attacking the balloon and other military targets on the yishuv of Adamit.

“A short while ago, several launches were identified from Lebanon toward Arab al-Aramshe and Adamit in the western Galilee,” the IDF stated. “The details are being investigated.”

“Additionally, a short while ago, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated a Hezbollah terrorist near a Hezbollah military structure in the area of Meiss El Jabal in southern Lebanon.”

“Also, over the past few hours, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure and military structures in the areas of al Kharayeb, Halta, and Yaroun in southern Lebanon.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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