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COALITION DRAMA: Ben-Gvir Says Otzma Party Will Resign If Hostage Deal Is Approved

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has made a dramatic announcement on Thursday night following a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

A short statement for Ben-Gvir says: “The emerging deal is reckless. It includes the release of hundreds of murderers, the return of hundreds of thousands of Gazans to the northern part of the Strip, including thousands of terrorists, withdrawal from the Philadelphi Route, and cessation of the fighting.

This deal will undo all the achievements we have brought to the country and does not secure the release of all the hostages.”

“If the reckless deal is approved, we will submit our resignation letters to the Prime Minister. Otzma Yehudit will withdraw from the government.

If the war resumes with the aim of achieving a decisive victory, we will propose returning to the government.”

Should he resign, the government will have 63 seats and will not dissolv.

Attached is the full statement by Otzma Yehudit leader and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir:

“The emerging deal is reckless. It includes the release of hundreds of murderous terrorists, the return of thousands of terrorists to northern Gaza, withdrawal from the Philadelphi Route, and the cessation of fighting. In essence, this deal erases the achievements of the war.

Not only that, it does not lead to the release of all the hostages, it seals the fate of those not included in the deal, and it will end the war without Hamas being defeated, leaving it with significant ability to rebuild itself.

When you see the celebrations of Hamas supporter Ayman Odeh, the dancing in Gaza, and the festivities in villages across Judea and Samaria, it becomes clear which side has surrendered in this deal.

Therefore, if this reckless deal is approved and implemented, the Otzma Yehudit party will not remain part of the government and will withdraw.

If the war against Hamas resumes with force, aimed at achieving decisive victory and fulfilling the war’s unachieved goals, we will return to the government.

I also call on the members of the Religious Zionism party and ideological Likud Knesset members to act similarly, joining us in preventing the implementation of this disgraceful surrender deal.

We are also willing to pay a heavy price for the release of the hostages. We are ready to do everything possible to bring about their release, as long as the price does not include a much greater cost. This deal only increases Hamas’s appetite and motivation for another massacre like October 7, forcing Israel to capitulate repeatedly. This is aside from the wave of terror attacks that, heaven forbid, could shed much Jewish blood.

To secure the release of the hostages, humanitarian aid to Gaza must be completely halted—not “controlled” or reduced, but entirely stopped. The transfer of fuel, electricity, and water must end.

Only in this way will Hamas release our hostages without endangering Israel’s security, alongside a powerful military onslaught. Only in this way can we defeat this murderous terrorist organization.

Therefore, even now, I still urge the Prime Minister to reconsider, avoid this horrific deal, and take these steps to defeat Hamas and free our hostages without surrendering to it.

If he does not do so, and once the government’s decision is made, Otzma Yehudit under my leadership will not overthrow Netanyahu or act with the left and its goals against the government. However, we cannot remain part of a government that approves a deal that rewards Hamas significantly and risks leading to another October 7 disaster. We will withdraw.

If the war against Hamas resumes with force to achieve decisive victory and fulfill the war’s unachieved goals, we will return to the government.”

9 Responses

  1. I think Israel should release every Palestinian in Jewish jails because the jail is heaven for them. However , US , Saudi Arabia , Qatar should be the guarantors for every released prisoner. If that prisoner commits terrorist attack in future , they have to pay Israel unconditionally 1 billion for every terrorist that is released and commits a future terror in Israel or abroad. Every one wins , Israel wins because it no longer has to house and feed these monsters , Israel wins because the world can’t complain that Israel holds these monsters in their jails, and Israel wins because I’m sure the released prisoners will never commit a crime again as Qatar and Saudi’s Arabia will have to pay . Very simple .

  2. I’m trying to understand what changed on Bibi’s part. Wasn’t he insistent on the war continuing until the total eradication of Hamas? Wasn’t he insistent on NOT withdrawing from the Philadelphi Corridor? Seems Israel is backing down on many KEY items. Is it to appease Mr. Trump who wants a deal by the time he takes office?? October 7 should have taught us – Israel can rely on NOONE of the nations of the worlds. They all turned on us.

  3. Ben Gvir standing up and leaving the government over the hostage deal is commendable. It’s important to see leaders prioritize Israel’s security and not back down on key issues, even when it’s politically tough. He’s showing real leadership by putting the nation’s safety first.

  4. People make fun of him, but apparently he is the only politician who has proven to be right time and time again

    Shame on the rest of them. This could have been resolved a lot sooner without concessions, had Israel withhold all food drinks fuel medications Internet phone service electricity from Gaza
    Israel is cruel to it’s citizens

  5. If they back out Bibi will have to accept the chareidi proposal or the govt would dissolve

    Ben gvir is ensuring the passage of the chareidi exemption

  6. Although ben-Gvir intrinsically is so correct on this one, his big mistake is overlooking the immediate release of the hostages & still prioritizing פדיום-שבויים

  7. 147
    Ben Gvir is not looking over פודיום שביים – had they listened to him from the get go we most likely had all the hostages a year ago and over 600 soldiers still alive today.

    The cruelty of the lefty ideology has been nothing but destruction for the Jews

  8. 147

    You support a deal to return the hostages at any cost?

    How about a deal where they kill you parents in exchange for releasing all the hostages immediately.
    Would you take it?
    I wouldn’t.
    So why is this different?
    Because it’s Russian roulette who will get killed?
    It’s a 100% certainty that some of the released prisoners will kill someone.
    Total madness.

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