Sukka of Tolerance Built in Kiryat Menachem

With tensions running high of late in the Kiryat Menachem neighborhood of Yerushalayim, a number of residents decided to take a step in what they perceive as being a positive direction – establishing a “Sukka of Tolerance”.
Teens affiliated with Israel Scouts, Ariel and Bnei Akiva have joined forces, explaining they will celebrate Sukkos with one-another in the hope of sending a message of tolerance to the neighborhood’s adults.
On Hashanah Rabba, there will be a night of learning which will include the non-frum teens. The night will include shiurim, lectures, and music, hoping to offer something for everyone.
Organizers are inviting the general public to come and visit during Yomtov.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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