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Tefillos Requested for Maran Rav Ovadia Shlita

ovadia1.jpgTefillos are requested on behalf of Maran Rav Ovadia Yosef Shlita [ben Gorgia] who is scheduled to undergo a ‘procedure’ today, Sunday.

According to reports, the Rav underwent a CT scan in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital about two weeks ago, followed by an MRI. The tests were ordered as the Rav has been complaining of excruciating back pain after falling in his home a number of months ago.

Previous diagnostic exams did not reveal anything and when the severe pain returned some two weeks ago, another round of exams were ordered. It was during the exams two weeks ago that a facture was noticed in one of the Rav’s spinal discs.

Officials contacted a Dr. Friedman from Cleveland, Ohio, who is an expert in spinal fractures, seeking a solution to alleviate the Rav’s pain. He advised performing a new treatment which has been successfully done in a number of patients to date. Prof. Friedman has been invited to come to Israel and he will be performing the procedure on Sunday.

The Rav is expected to be released within 24 hours of the procedure. Tefillos will be ongoing all day on Sunday, including talmidei torah affiliated with Shas’ Mayan HaChinuch system, and at 3:00pm, while the procedure is taking place, special tefillos will be recited at the Rav’s Har Nof Shul as well as at the Kosel.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Someone emailed me an amazing video clip of Rav Scheinberg shlita being menachem avel Rav Ovadia shlita. In it Rav Ovadia asks Rav Scheinberg for a bracha that his back should not hurt because it disturbs his learning…truly amazing. Rav Ovadia begins crying, and Rav CP Scheinberg tells him “Lo Tivkeh”!

  2. I heard his son Rav Avraham Yosef say that Maran Hagaon’s hebrew name is indeed Harav Ovadia Yosef Ben Gorgia

    May this Gadol be Zoche to a Refuach Shlema and continue learning and teaching Torah at such an unbelievable level.

    We need the Rav Hagaon in perfect health now more than ever !

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