PHOTOS: More Protests Against Parking Lot Opening

12.jpgClick HERE to see photos taken this (Tuesday) evening at a protest on Bar Ilan Street in Jerusalem against the opening of the Carta Parking Lot on Shabbos.

Credits: Yitzchok Russek / Topshot Images

7 Responses

  1. Someone has to make up his mind why these demonstrations are going on for.
    The reports that the demonstrations are going on due to an arrest of a women that starved her child.

  2. I’m not sure as the cause of reason for this protest but other websites had a different cause for this HAFGANA.

    As someone who used to live at that intersection, I believe that average Chareidi has no interest and is bothered by these shows. The only ones enjoy it are the bored / lonely few who try to make Chareidi policy by this stupidity. The regular guy on the street who is married has far more important things to do (whether he is working or learning, there has always household affairs that must be maintained) is so far removed from these few outsiders.

    You will notice that the Shabbos Hafgonos always get boosted up in the summer when the days are long; on the short shabbosim by the time you get up from a short Shabbos nap; you gotta run to Mincha!

  3. Well, we were wondering the same thing, but we though we had it figured out when we heard people screaming in lament “Shabbos! Shabbos!”…

  4. Please get your news from reliable sources this protest was not for the sake of shabbos instead it was to protest against the brutality of the israeli police who arrested a young heimish mother for false child abuse claims

  5. There are still 15 yeshiva bochurim under house arrest, due to continuation of hafgana’s. The hafgana’s is only creating more sina’s chinom between chareidim & frumers, In the meantime the bochurim are under house arrest and suffering. Where are the askonim? Why does the Eida not do something to get these nebuch bochurim free? They are “Shvuyim!!!” I believe the Rambam paskens, we sell a sefer torah for Pidyom Shviyim!! Where is the Eida on this matter? Noisse beoil chaveiroi? If the Eida had a son under house arrest, would they do something? Are other Bochurim’s blood less red then their children’s blood??? Raboisai, it’s a shande!! Yidisher neshomos are suffering!!

  6. I heard from someone who was there that the hafgana was for the lady that was put in jail for supposedly starving her child

  7. #4 “Abefromisrael” – How do you know these were false charges? These were charges brought by the hospital people who saw the child, not some black-shirted Yassamnik. There ARE sick people (even in the frum world) who do sick things. Its very nice to want to support the mother, but what about the child?

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