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Ahmed Ben Sara Meets with HaRav Ovadia Shlita

oyyl.jpgIn a most emotional event, three buses arrived in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood last week, bringing 100 women and their children, children wearing yarmulkas and tzitzis, mothers and children rescued by the marvelous and heroic staff of Yad L’Achim from Arab villages in recent months.

The women and children rescued from the Arab villages first stopped at Kever Rachel for tefillos, taking part in the dedication of the new sefer torah in honor of Gilad Shalit on Wednesday, 19 August, erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, the month of “rachamim and slichos”.

Arrangements were made with the IDF and the women rescued from the villages were permitted unlimited time at the kever. Soldiers were ordered not to move them along as is usually the case to accommodate the many visitors while complying with strict security regulations.

One special tefilla was heard from three brothers, the sons of “N” who was rescued from the Upper Nazareth area, reports. They davened for the release of their sister, now held by a grandfather in Gaza after the father was killed in Operation Cast Lead. His father continues to refuse to release the girl into the hands of the Jewish mother.

Escorted by HaRav Sholom Dov Lifshitz of Yad L’Achim and social workers assisting the families to acclimate, they headed for Har Nof to meet with the Gadol HaDor, who saw each and every mother and child.

Addressing the women in an emotional tone, HaRav Ovadia addressed them as “noshim tzidkonious”, elaborating on their merit of being descendants of Jewish lineage. The Rav gave a bracha to each and every child present, and those present testify that leaving this emotional gathering was difficult for all, the families and the Rav Shlita.

Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai has words of praise for Yad L’Achim’s activities.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. As the holy Rav is of sefaradic descent, I assume he called them “Nashim Tzidkaniyot” not as the article mistakenly writes. I am sure the error is not done blatanly, but the more accurate, the better. It reminds me of a childrens book on the Rambam, where it speaks of the rambam strolling through a neighborhood on Shabbat and it quotes him as saying to his brother “Gut shabbos”, I dont think yiddish existed and even if it did, I dont think the Rambam used it. On that note “Shabbat Shalom” to everyone!!!

  2. Believer – It is Elul. Do you think that it is proper to call someone stupid because you don’t like what he said. Bizrizut was just pointing out inacracies in the article. The yeshiva world (not The Yeshiva has a habit of ashkanazizing everything – as if that was the only correct way. Maybe you could start saying selihot this month along with Bizrizut. 🙂

  3. Believer, Saying that something that someone said is stupid is not quite the same as calling someone stupid. Even brilliant people may say something stupid from time to time. I do agree with you, however, that the comment was uncalled for. I am not sure what Elul has to do with this. It would be uncalled for during the other 11 months of the year just the same.

  4. uh, believer?

    You’re “lol” because you wrote that someone said something “really stupid and unintelligent”?

    Perhaps you should be crying, not laughing.

  5. Whats the big deal if the article (or some story) used ashkenaz or sefard pronounciation? There is none. Everyone understands it quite well. Its the same words either way.

  6. I guess that I’m the 1st comment here to commend Yad l’achim on their avodas (avodat) hakodesh, and Chacham Ovadyah for meeting with the ladies and their children.
    I’ll have a bowl of cous-cous soon. (I am referring to Avraham (Abie) Rottenberg’s song)

  7. Believer,

    In the spirit of the times and the fact that there are so many people out there who not only talk without thinking (I can understand that), but they also type and post things without thinking…..I FORGIVE YOU. I would love to understand what got you so fired up about this post, but in any case, I forgive you. May you find your path to teshuva this month of ELUL. SHAVUA TOV!!!

  8. Great article. Joseph, I don’t always agree with you but I agree with you here. Yidden, Yehudim, Jews, lets have a little achdus(t) this chodesh Elul and maybe we will be zocheh (zoicheh) to spend Succos(t) in Yerushalayim!

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