Double Tragedy in Jerusalem’s Mattersdorf Neighborhood

candle91.gifDuring Monday’s levaya of a 76-year-old woman, Mrs. Yocheved Leader z”l, a member of the Slonim Chassidus, notification was received of the petira of her husband, HaRav Yitzchak Isaac z”l. As the family was making its way back from the first levaya, they were informed of the death of the husband.

It appears Mrs. Leader was healthy and died suddenly on Sunday. Rav Leader, 78 at the time of his death, was hospitalized and was niftar in Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Upon hearing of the petira of his wife, his condition deteriorated rapidly.

Having attended the funeral of their mother at noon, the children returned to the beis chaim once again at 4:00pm for the levaya of their father.

R’ Leader was a baal to’kea for a number of decades in an area shul.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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