Terrorist Responsible for Shooting Attack Apprehended

idf.jpgOfficials have managed to apprehend the terrorists responsible for a shooting attack that occurred 3.5 months ago, near Kida, in which Yair Hirsch sustained serious injuries to his left arm. His injuries demand that he undergoes a long painful rehabilitation process.

Multi-count indictments were handed down against Jabar Abu-Aliya and Ataf Abu-Aliya, brothers who live near the site of the attack.

According to a Makor Rishon report, the two set out with a M-16 and Kalashnikov assault rifle to carry out the attack and therefore, they face attempted murder charges. Five of the bullets fired by the terrorists struck the vehicle, injuring Yair.

The weapons used in the attack were found, buried by the terrorist brothers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. “the two set out with a M-16”. I think it’s supposed to say with an M-16. Also, “Five of the bullets fired by the terrorists struck the vehicle, injuring Yair”. The bullet’s striking the vehicle are not the ones that are going to injure Yair. It’s the ones that are striking yair that would have to do the damage.

  2. Reb Chushuva drey kup, is it not possible that those same bullets that struck the vehicle then continued on their way and struck Yair as well? Also my web address bar indicates this is the YWN which never pretended to be William Safire’s column.

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